Wednesday, August 30, 2023


The homemade bread loaf is a very soft and light homemade bread recipe. Highly digestible thanks to the use of only 1 g of yeast. In this period in which finding brewer's yeast is almost a miracle, being able to prepare bread at home using only 1 g of yeast, allows us to bake 25 times using a single cube of fresh brewer's yeast. What do you say, it can be done?! For the preparation of homemade bread I used the method of double dough and double leavening at room temperature. In this way you get a bread as light as a cloud. Homemade double-dough bread is a very convenient bread to prepare. Below I tell you what time to start kneading!


For the first dough
500 g Flour 
330 g Water
10 g Fine salt
1 tsp Sugar
1 g Fresh brewer's yeast (or dry brewer's yeast)

For the second dough
100 g Flour 
60 g Water

To decorate


Prepare the first dough at 18 p.m. Dissolve the brewer's yeast in 30 ml of warm water and a teaspoon of sugar and let it rest for 10 minutes so that it activates. In a bowl (or in the bowl of the planetary mixer), dissolve the salt in 300 ml of water, then add the flour and start kneading (with the hook in vel. 1 if you use the planetary mixer). Add the activated brewer's yeast and continue kneading for 5-10 minutes, in order to help the gluten mesh to develop. Cover the homemade bread dough with a cloth and let it rise at room temperature until the following morning. The next morning, knead the first dough again, adding 100 g of flour and 50-60 g of water depending on the strength of the flour used. Transfer the dough to the floured work table and divide it into two loaves of more or less the same weight. For each loave, make three rounds of folds of bread, lightly flouring the dough with wholemeal flour between folds. The folds should be made in sequence, without waiting for the rest time between one fold and another. To make a fold of bread, crush the dough with your hands and give it more or less a rectangle shape. Bend one end of the rectangle toward the center of the rectangle, and then bend the other end toward the center. This step will be repeated 3 times. Line two bowls with parchment paper, flour the parchment paper and place the dough of homemade bread on top (one dough for each bowl). Cover the bowls with plastic wrap and let the dough of homemade bread rise at room temperature for 6 hours. If you have a cast iron pot with a lid or a clay pot with a lid, you can use that. If you do not have a cast iron or terracotta pot, you can use a baking sheet with high edges (diameter of about 22 centimeters) with a steel lid suitable for baking. Turn on the oven at maximum temperature, place the baking tray and lid on it and let them heat well. When the oven, the baking tray and the lid have reached temperature, take a loaf of homemade bread (with its parchment paper), cut it on the surface making a couple of longitudinal cuts, sprinkle it with wholemeal flour and pass it in the hot pan, put it in the oven and cover with the hot lid. Bake the loaf of homemade bread at 250°C for 10 minutes. Then, without opening the oven, lower the temperature to 220°C and continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes. Finally, remove the lid and continue cooking the loaf of bread until its crust has become golden and crispy. Then take the loaf out of bread out of the oven and let it cool on a wire rack, covered with a clean cloth. Put the pot and lid back in the oven, make it hot again and then cook the second loaf of homemade bread following the same instructions as the first loaf of bread. Also take the second loaf of bread out of the oven and put it on the wire rack, covered with a clean cloth. When the loaves of homemade bread have cooled, remove them from the wire rack, wrap each loaf in its cloth and seal them inside a plastic bag or in an airtight container, so as to preserve its softness for a long time.


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