Saturday, May 20, 2023

Chocolate and cream trifle cake

The chocolate and cream cake is a rich, tasty and truly irresistible dessert, perfect for chocolate lovers. The Chocolate and cream cake is a real delicacy! It is great for any occasion, from breakfast to birthday parties, but it remains easy and simple to make! To prepare it we will use only two large bowls and an electric whisk, nothing else, no mixer. We can customize the chocolate and cream cake in a thousand different ways, adding chocolate chips to cream, for example, or maybe adding a drop of rum to the dough. The chocolate and cream cake keeps very well in the fridge, especially if wrapped in aluminum foil. Let's see the recipe!


200 g flour 
200 g sugar
180 g dark chocolate
60 g unsweetened cocoa powder
4 eggs
220 g butter
1 sachet of vanilla yeast
1 sachet of vanillin

Ingredients for filling
500 ml whipping cream
250 g icing sugar
60 g unsweetened cocoa powder

Ingredients to decorate
250 g dark chocolate
200 g sugar
180 ml cream
200 g white chocolate


To start the preparation of the chocolate and cream cake you have to start from the realization of the chocolate cake that will form the basis of your dessert. First coarsely chop the chocolate with a knife and melt it in a bain-marie or in the microwave. In a planetary mixer add eggs and sugar together to form a well-aerated cream and then add the butter, well soft and workable. When you have obtained a well-homogeneous mixture you can add the dark chocolate now warmed and continue to work for a few minutes. Then add, flour, cocoa, vanillin and yeast, which you have sifted to avoid the formation of lumps, with a whisk or a spatula with gentle movements from top to bottom so as not to disassemble the mixture. Transfer everything inside a baking tray lined with baking paper or greased and sprinkled with cocoa powder. Your cake is ready to be placed in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 40 minutes. Once ready, it will be baked and left aside to cool. Meanwhile, whip the cream until stiff together with the sugar and veil, working until you get a firm consistency. Divide the two mixtures into two bowls and in one, where you have added 2/3 of the cream, add the cocoa powder mixing with delicate movements. Take the cake, now cold, and divide it into two halves. Place the first disc on a serving plate and stuff with half of the cocoa cream. Add a layer of white whipped cream, leveling with a spatula. Now place the other disc of cake and finish with another layer of cocoa cream, which will also serve to cover the sides of your cake. At this point you just have to dedicate yourself to the preparation of chocolate icing. First melt the chocolate in a bain-marie or microwave and in a saucepan add the cream and sugar. When the latter has melted, add the chocolate and mix with a whisk. The icing thus obtained will be poured over the cake and leveled well. Finally, decorate with melted white chocolate creating decorations as desired. Let your chocolate and cream cake rest for a few hours before serving it so that all the flavors blend together. 

The chocolate and cream cake can be kept for a maximum of 2-3 days in the refrigerator covered with a glass lid.

The consistency of the cream must be firm so knead it until you reach this result. If you wish, you can create three discs with your cake and distribute the cream between the various discs. You can sprinkle the surface, after adding the glaze, with chocolate chips or chopped hazelnuts.


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