Saturday, May 20, 2023

Limoncello Ricotta Bundt Cake 

Not always light means necessarily devoid of taste: my light ricotta and limoncello cake is a very delicious and easy to prepare dessert that does not include the use of oil or butter. A soft delicious cuddle to prepare whenever you like! Follow me in the kitchen!


4 Eggs (medium size and room temperature)
180 g Sugar
1 pinch Salt
60 g Limoncello
1 Lemon (juice)
250 g Flour 
1 sachet Baking powder for cakes

For the ricotta cream
150 g Ricotta (well drained)
2 tablespoons Limoncello
3 tablespoons Icing sugar

For decoration
1 slice Lemon
Icing sugar


Prepare first of all the ricotta cream. In a bowl, put the ricotta well drained and start working with a hand whisk. Add the limoncello the icing sugar and continue to work until you have created a smooth and homogeneous cream. Place the container in the refrigerator until ready to use. Beat the eggs with sugar well and for a long time with an electric mixer (about 10 minutes), until they are soft and fluffy. Add the pinch of salt, limoncello and filtered lemon juice. Continue stirring for a minute. Prepare first of all the ricotta cream. In a bowl, put the ricotta well drained and start working with a hand whisk. Add the limoncello the icing sugar and continue to work until you have created a smooth and homogeneous cream. Place the container in the refrigerator until ready to use. Beat the eggs with sugar well and for a long time with an electric mixer (about 10 minutes), until they are soft and fluffy. Add the pinch of salt, limoncello and filtered lemon juice. Continue stirring for a minute. Remove the container with the ricotta cream from the fridge and arrange it in small spoonfuls on the surface of your light ricotta and limoncello cake. Add a slice of lemon cut into 4 wedges by placing it radially. Bake in a preheated static oven at 170°C for about 50 minutes. (I recommend checking the cooking, each oven is different, so the time may vary slightly). Always do the toothpick test: pierce the cake with a toothpick; If it comes out dry it means that it is cooked and can be baked, otherwise, extend cooking for a few more minutes. Once cooked, remove the cake from the oven and let it cool on a wire rack before removing it from the mold. Sprinkle with plenty of icing sugar and enjoy your cake with your light ricotta and limoncello cake!

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