Friday, May 17, 2024

Risotto with asparagus and prawns

The asparagus risotto, together with the zucchini risotto, tinges our spring menus green! I chose to bring to the table a seafood variant: asparagus and prawn risotto! Creamy and delicate thanks to the creaming with fresh cheese, the asparagus and prawn risotto will be perfect for a different dinner than usual.


Carnaroli Rice 320 g
Asparagus 400 g
Prawns 550 g
Copper onions ½
Vegetable broth about 1 l
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Fine salt to taste
Black pepper to taste

Cream cheese 70 g


To make the asparagus and prawn risotto, first prepare the vegetable broth following our recipe and keep it warm. Peel the asparagus and boil them in a pot starting with cold water for about ten minutes from when the water reaches a boil. In the meantime, clean the prawns by removing the head and carapace, then cut the back and gently pull out the intestine. When the asparagus is cooked, coarsely chop the stems and set the tips aside. Transfer the stems to a mixer with a little of the cooking water and blend to obtain a homogeneous cream. Now peel and thinly slice the onion, then brown it in a pan with the oil for a few minutes. When the onion is wilted, add the asparagus cream. Add the rice as well and mix everything together for a couple of minutes, then start pouring a ladle of broth at a time. Cook the rice, adding the broth as needed. In the meantime, heat the oil in another pan, add the prawns and the asparagus tips and sauté for 2 minutes over high heat. Season with salt and pepper. When the rice is cooked, transfer the prawns and the asparagus tips to a nice pan and mix everything together. Turn off the heat and stir in the cream cheese, mix well and serve your asparagus and prawn risotto!

It is advisable to eat the asparagus and prawn risotto immediately. You can store it in the refrigerator for a day, in an airtight container.

If you wish, you can replace the cream cheese with butter or a dash of fresh cream to give creaminess to the asparagus and prawn risotto. Do you have any leftover prawns? Prepare a quick and easy main course like pan-fried prawns!


Risotto with asparagus 

Asparagus risotto is one of my favorite spring pasta dishes! So simple and genuine, it is the perfect recipe to enhance the delicate and unmistakable flavor of these delicious seasonal vegetables. Asparagus, in fact, is used in all its parts: the stalks cut into slices enrich the risotto, while the tips are transformed into a velvety cream to be added at the time of creaming for a perfectly wavy result. The toughest part of the stems is also used to prepare vegetable broth, a clever way to recycle waste that will give an even more intense and aromatic taste!


Carnaroli Rice 320 g
Asparagus 750 g
Grana Padano 50 g
Butter 50 g
Shallot 1
Extra virgin olive oil to taste

Carrots 2
Celery 1 coast
Onions 1
Water 2 l
Fine salt to taste
Black pepper to taste
Extra virgin olive oil to taste


To prepare the asparagus risotto, start by cleaning the asparagus: remove the hardest part of the asparagus with your hands, which you will use for the broth. Cut off the tips of the asparagus which will be used to garnish the risotto and cut the rest of the asparagus into thin slices. Wash the vegetables for the broth, then cut the celery into coarse pieces, carrots and the onion. Prepare the broth: pour the vegetables into a pot, add the hard stalks of the asparagus that you have kept aside. Cover with water and, starting from cold water, cook at least half an hour from boiling. Peel and finely chop the shallot. Sauté for a few minutes with a drizzle of oil, add half of your asparagus slices, cook for a couple of minutes, stirring occasionally, season with salt and cover with a ladle of broth. Now let it cook for about 5 minutes with the lid on. Then let it cool. Blanch the asparagus tips in salted water for a couple of minutes. Cool them in water and ice, so that they maintain a nice bright color and remain crisp. Meanwhile, the asparagus slices will be warm, blend them with 15 g of oil. You will have to get a smooth and nice green cream. Now you have all the components to start cooking the risotto: heat a drizzle of oil in a large pan. Toast the rice for 3-4 minutes, adding a pinch of salt. Sprinkle with the broth until the rice is covered and continue cooking, wetting as needed. Halfway through cooking, add the remaining asparagus slices and continue to cook the risotto, adding salt if necessary. Set aside a couple of tablespoons of cream. Once cooked, let it rest covered for two minutes. Stir in butter, grated cheese. Add ground pepper and a drizzle of oil and the remaining asparagus cream, stir vigorously. Serve the asparagus risotto piping hot, garnishing the plates with the asparagus tips kept aside.

Store the asparagus risotto in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed container for 2-3 days. Freezing is not recommended.

To understand how much asparagus stem to discard, just fold the asparagus which will break at the junction between the softest and toughest parts. If the stem is very thick, we recommend peeling it with a vegetable peeler to remove the harder outer part. I recommend blending the asparagus when cold so it doesn't darken. Do you have any leftover risotto? Au gratin in the oven with a few slices of provolone, you will get a delicious stringy flan!


A first course with spring colors and flavors: pasta with asparagus, saffron and bacon. Tasty and practical to prepare, to bring to the table a tasty and different first course. The combination with fresh pasta is ideal, especially with a type of long or curled pasta. To make pasta with asparagus, saffron and bacon you need:


350 g Fresh pasta
400 g Asparagus
80 g Smoked bacon
1 sachet of Saffron
20 g Butter
1 clove Garlic
1 Shallot


Trim the asparagus by cutting off the toughest part of the stalks. Wash them, peel them with a potato peeler and cut them into pieces, leaving the tips whole. In a saucepan, sauté the finely chopped shallot over low heat with a knob of butter, then add the chopped asparagus and tips. Let them brown for 2-3 minutes, season with salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with a ladle of water and continue cooking for 15 minutes. Keep the cooked asparagus tips aside and blend the mixture in a blender, then pour it into a bowl, keeping it aside. In a frying pan, sauté a clove of garlic with a drizzle of oil and the diced smoked bacon, until golden brown. After that, add the previously cooked asparagus tips and sauté for a few minutes, removing the garlic clove. Cook the pasta in a saucepan with plenty of boiling salted water, drain it well and al dente, keeping a ladle of cooking water aside. Dissolve the saffron in a small bowl with the cooking water. Pour the pasta into the pan with the bacon and asparagus tips, then add the asparagus cream and the saffron previously dissolved in the cooking water. Stir with the help of a wooden spoon, always in the same direction, in order to mix everything well. Transfer the pasta with asparagus, saffron and bacon to a serving plate and serve.



Scialatielli are a shape of fresh long pasta typical of Campania cuisine, shaped like large spaghetti but shorter, traditionally prepared by hand but can also be purchased in supermarkets. The basic dough of this fresh pasta is egg-free and is made with durum wheat semolina, water and a pinch of salt. It can be enriched with the addition of special ingredients such as vegetables, spices or aromas that give life to imaginative colored pastes. Generally, fresh pasta takes less time to cook than dry pasta, the only precaution will be to prevent it from sticking during cooking, by adding a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil to the pot with water. For the realization of this recipe, such as mussels, lupins, clams, are ideal, in addition to being very tasty, they are generally low in calories and also rich in protein. To prepare scialatielli with clams and cherry tomatoes, you need...


350 g Scialatielli
1 kg Clams
2 cloves Garlic
1 bunch Parsley
6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 cup white wine
Chili pepper
7-8 cherry tomatoes


Put the drained clams in a pan with 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, a crushed clove of garlic and a little chopped parsley, cover and let the clams open over high heat, shaking the pan occasionally. Remove the clams that have remained closed and detach the clams from the valves, keeping a few whole clams aside, then filter the cooking liquid. In a saucepan, pour the extra virgin olive oil and the remaining garlic until golden, then add the chili pepper, the cherry tomatoes deprived of skin and seeds and cut in half, the clams with their cooking liquid and finally deglaze with a glass of white wine. Add a pinch of salt and continue cooking for a few minutes. In a pot with boiling salted water, cook the scialatielli al dente, drain them, put them in the pan with the clams and cherry tomatoes and mix everything. Add the remaining parsley and sauté over high heat for a minute. Transfer the scialatielli with clams and cherry tomatoes to the plates and decorate with the whole clams set aside. Serve the scialatielli with clams and cherry tomatoes while they are still hot.
Bon appétit and... See you next time!

Asparagus Soup 

Every year between the beginning of April and the end of June, the protagonist on Italian tables is undoubtedly the asparagus. According to legend, it was grown in the Land of Eden, and considered the food of happiness. Maybe it's because of its high content of serotonin, a feel-good hormone. Historical sources, however, date the birth of asparagus in Asia. The ancient Egyptians, first and then the Romans, cultivated asparagus so much so that the emperor Caesar Augustus was a lover of it. The emperor was such a connoisseur of the elegant vegetable, that he organized elite military units to get them. The famous "legions of asparagus" toured the empire to import the best varieties to Rome. Other military units carried them fresh high up in the snows of the Alps, where they could be frozen for later use. Springtime is synonymous with asparagus. Topped with sautéed asparagus and quail eggs, this beautiful yet simple asparagus soup is deliciously creamy. Serve it as a first course or a complete meal.


1 1/2 LB. of asparagus
2 CUPS of vegetable broth
12 quail eggs
1 of shallot, chopped
1 SPRING of thyme
2 TBSP. of unsalted butter
extra-virgin olive oil


Clean and trim 14 oz. Asparagus and cut into rounds. Melt 1 Tbsp. butter in a large pan over medium heat. Add asparagus rounds, shallot, thyme and broth. Cover and let cook for 10 minutes. Remove thyme and season with salt. Puree soup in blender. Trim remaining asparagus. Cut tips in half and stalks into thin strips. Sauté with 1 Tbsp. butter. Divide soup among bowls. Create three nests in each bowl with sautéed asparagus strips. Crack a quail egg yolk into each nest and garnish with asparagus tips. Drizzle with oil and top with freshly ground pepper.

Le spezie scadono? Quando è il momento di buttarli via?

Tutti ci siamo chiesti, almeno una volta, se le spezie scadono. Ecco la risposta alla data di scadenza delle spezie e alcuni consigli per conservarle al meglio. Vagano per anni nelle nostre dispense e spesso non ricordiamo nemmeno quando li abbiamo acquistati. Ma la domanda è: le spezie scadono? Capiremo in questo articolo come comprendere la data di scadenza delle spezie.

Questa è una difficile domanda a cui rispondere. Come avrete notato, molte spezie che usiamo in cucina riportano sul barattolo la data di scadenza preceduta dalla classica espressione: preferibilmente entro. La domanda sorge spontanea: fino a quando si potranno utilizzare le spezie oltre la data di scadenza? Per rispondere è necessario partire da una distinzione. Come tutti gli alimenti, anche le spezie sono soggette a deterioramento (in particolare, si deteriorano se esposte all'aria, al sole e all'umidità). Tuttavia, a differenza di altri ingredienti che possono diventare altamente tossici una volta raggiunta la data di scadenza, le spezie scadute non rappresentano un pericolo per la salute. L'unico effetto collaterale a cui si può andare incontro è quello di perdere le qualità organolettiche, risultando insapore e senza profumo.

Se dunque ti ritrovi con una dispensa piena di spezie che non usi da molto tempo, non cedere all'istinto di buttarle, ma capisci prima come le hai conservate e se può valere ancora la pena continuando ad usarli. Ecco alcuni consigli per conservare al meglio le vostre spezie e capire quando è davvero il caso di sbarazzarsene.

Controlla innanzitutto che le tue spezie abbiano conservato le loro caratteristiche: apri il barattolo e affina il tuo olfatto. Se riesci ancora ad annusarli, procedi con la vista e il tatto. Controllate che non siano presenti muffe o piccoli insetti e che il colore sia rimasto inalterato. Se però vi accorgete che l’odore è completamente svanito, potete star certi che il sapore non sarà più quello di prima. Aggiungerlo al piatto, quindi, anche se innocuo per la salute, sarà totalmente inutile. Altro accorgimento fondamentale è scegliere sempre le spezie intere, da macinare solo al momento dell'effettivo utilizzo. In questo modo le spezie possono conservare le loro caratteristiche fino a quattro anni, mentre una volta macinate i tempi si dimezzano. Questo perché il processo di macinazione accelera l'evaporazione degli oli essenziali in essi contenuti, riducendone notevolmente il sapore e l'aroma.

Se è vero che le spezie non scadono nel senso canonico del termine, è comunque utile conservarle al meglio per prolungarne le caratteristiche organolettiche. Scegliete barattoli di vetro che proteggano le vostre spezie dal caldo, meglio ancora se dotati di chiusura ermetica per non far entrare troppa aria. Teneteli lontani sia dal caldo che dall'umidità, un ripiano della dispensa lontano dai fornelli, ben riparati e bello, potrebbe essere perfetto. Le spezie macinate tendono a perdere il loro aroma e sapore più velocemente delle spezie intere. Si consiglia di conservarli in contenitori ermetici al riparo dalla luce e dall'umidità, preferibilmente in un luogo fresco e buio, come uno scaffale della dispensa. Evitare di esporli a fonti di calore e macinare solo la quantità di spezie necessaria all'uso immediato, in modo da mantenere intatte le proprietà aromatiche.

Per garantire la massima freschezza delle spezie, utilizzare contenitori di vetro con chiusura ermetica. Etichetta chiaramente i barattoli con il nome della spezia e la data di acquisto o di apertura. Conservare le spezie lontano da fonti di calore come stufe e luce solare diretta. Se possibile, macina le spezie al momento dell'uso per ottenere il massimo aroma e sapore. Anche se le spezie scadute potrebbero aver perso parte del loro aroma e sapore, possono comunque essere utilizzate in modi creativi. Prova a incorporarli in scrub per la cura della pelle fatti in casa, impacchi per il corpo o prodotti per la pulizia della casa. Sperimenta combinazioni di spezie per creare profumi e aromi unici in cucina. Ricordatevi sempre di fare una prova di freschezza prima dell'uso.

È importante comprendere la differenza tra la data di scadenza e la data di freschezza "da consumarsi preferibilmente entro". La data di scadenza indica il momento dopo il quale le spezie potrebbero perdere le loro proprietà organolettiche, ma non rappresenta un pericolo per la salute. D'altra parte, la data di freschezza "da consumarsi preferibilmente entro" indica il periodo durante il quale le spezie conservano il loro massimo aroma e sapore. Prestare attenzione ad entrambe le date ti aiuterà a mantenere la freschezza delle tue spezie.


Sausage and Tortellini Soup 

A rich and hearty soup, a combination of strong flavors that go perfectly with strictly homemade ham tortellini which, in addition, perfectly collect the sausage sauce-based sauce and every bite will be an explosion of taste and pleasure. A real delicacy, a restorative dish and a concentrate of goodness made of passion and tradition. Here are the steps for tortellini soup.


200 g tortellini (with prosciutto)
2 sausages
300 g tomato puree 
Half an onion
Half rib celery
Half a cup dry white wine
extra virgin olive oil
4 basil leaves


To prepare the Tortellini with sausage sauce, first put a pan on the stove, pour in a drizzle and chopped celery, onion and carrot, add half a glass of water and stew until all the water has evaporated. Remove the casing from the sausage, cut into small pieces and pour it into the pan with the sauté and brown it well, stirring often. Deglaze with the white wine and, when it has completely evaporated, add the tomato puree, basil leaves, salt and pepper and cook, with the lid on, for about 15 minutes. In the meantime, put a pot with plenty of salted water on the stove in which we will cook the tortellini. Once they are almost cooked, drain the tortellini directly into the pan with the sauce, using a slotted spoon, and sauté them for a few minutes, adding a little cooking water if the sauce is too dry. Serve the Tortellini with sausage sauce immediately, accompanied by freshly grated Parmesan cheese, which each diner can add to their liking. Enjoy!
See you soon...

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Capers and Halibut

Among the largest of the "flat fish", the halibut fillet has a very lean, low-calorie, protein-rich and carbohydrate-free meat. It also offers a good supply of Omega-3 fats, making it a protective food for cholesterol levels.


2 (6-ounce) white fish filets
¼ cup all purpose flour
2 tablespoons olive oil
⅓ cup dry white wine
2 tablespoons capers, drained
5 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into cubes
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons chopped flat leaf parsley


Dredge the filets in flour, shaking off the excess. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat. Add the filets to the pan and cook until browned, about 3 minutes per side. Once cooked, remove the filets from the pan and set them aside on a plate. Pour out any excess oil, then add in the white wine. Whisk vigorously while the wine reduces, scraping up any bits stuck to the bottom of the pan. Continue to simmer and until the wine is reduced by half. Turn the heat to low and add in the capers and butter. Whisk continuously until the butter is fully melted into the sauce. Stir in the lemon juice and parsley. Add the fish back into the pan and turn to coat, spooning extra sauce over the top.


Octopus sandwich

The salty of the sea, the crunchiness of the octopus, the freshness of its water squeezed in the embrace of the sandwich. Raw, boiled seasoned with olive oil, tomato and celery or grilled, octopus is a real 'must eat' of our summer days. Famous are the evenings in Mola di Bari during which young people, adults and families meet to walk along the beautiful seafront and savor the tasty 'roasted octopus sandwich'. If there is someone who does not know this all-Bari street food then he needs to take a dip in the flavors, those that never disappoint.

Imagine being on one of the beautiful coasts, where the moon is reflected in the Adriatic Sea and the breeze offers pleasant moments of refreshment from the summer heat: these are the most pleasant hours of the day, where you can relax with friends, tell each other about the days and enjoy the crunchiness of the octopus in a tasty sandwich. At this point a beer is a must, you choose which one.

The octopus sandwich best represents the typical culinary philosophy of Puglia: usually caught by hand, harvested among the rocks and stones that represent a large part of the Adriatic coast of the region, the octopus can also be bitten raw on the spot, processed on the spot, or grilled so as to take on a particular texture and a smoky flavor.

Thanks to the tenderness of its meat, octopus can be prepared in different ways, taking on various nuances and satisfying even the most refined palates. An ensemble in which an example of street food characteristic of the Puglia region is created, which has always been loved by all lovers of fish-based cuisine.

The sandwich stuffed with grilled octopus is a very popular and loved recipe in Puglia. It is particularly enjoyed in those cities that rise on the sea, where the fresh catch of the day is cooked. Cooking on the grill makes the octopus tasty and soft and the bread crispy, creating a perfect combination that satisfies even the most demanding palates. In Puglia you can enjoy the octopus sandwich in Bari, perhaps walking along the spectacular seafront, or during a tourist visit to the beautiful Polignano a Mare. 

Where to taste the octopus sandwich in Polignano a Mare
The Lido di Cala Paura allows you to enjoy a good octopus sandwich lying on a sun lounger in front of a crystal clear sea. This lido, in fact, in addition to offering umbrellas and sunbeds to bathers, is famous for its cuisine based on fresh fish, cooked immediately after fishing. You can choose from many specialties: from fried fish to grilled fish, without forgetting the tasty first courses.


1 kg octopus
4 sandwiches
1 glass of extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
2 lemons
1 bunch of parsley
Salad to taste
10 cherry tomatoes

How to prepare the sandwich with roasted octopus and cherry tomato salad

To prepare a perfect roasted octopus sandwich with salad and cherry tomatoes, first carefully clean the octopus. Remove the teeth with your hands or with the help of a fork, then take the head and turn it upside down, leaving the eyes that you can remove once cooked. Place the octopus on the grill, sprinkle it with a sprig of celery, if possible, as if it were a brush, to flavor it. In the absence of this, rosemary is also fine. The embers should be left light, so that the cooking proceeds slowly but evenly. Many people consider the octopus cooked once they see the typical curl of its tentacles. When it begins to brown, grease it with a marinade of oil, lemon, pepper and salt. Once cooked, remove the eyes and use it as a filling for the sandwich with salad and tomato properly washed.



Les tagliatelles aux truffes sont un plat délicieux et élégant à préparer pour une occasion spéciale, pour épater vos convives et satisfaire votre palais. La truffe est un champignon hypogé (souterrain) et constitue l'un des aliments les plus chers du marché. Les truffes italiennes sont divisées en noires (comme Norcia, Ombrie) et blanches (également appelées Alba ou Piémontaise, Piémont). Par exemple, 100 g de truffe blanche, soit 3,6 onces, coûtent environ 600 euros, alors que la même quantité de truffe noire ne coûte « que » 100 à 150 euros. Son nom dérive du mot latin tuber, qui signifie littéralement escrescenza di terra « affleurement terrestre », un nom qui rappelle en réalité sa forme irrégulière. La truffe pousse spontanément en symbiose avec certains types de plantes et est recherchée par les chiens spécialement dressés à cet effet. La truffe est composée à 73% d'eau et est riche en protéines. Il est faible en gras et ne contient pas de cholestérol.

Appréciée depuis l'Antiquité, la truffe aurait des origines divines. Même les Romains étaient très friands de truffes. Selon la légende, la truffe serait née de la rencontre de la pluie et du tonnerre. Ce précieux champignon souterrain, apprécié des connaisseurs, s'accorde parfaitement avec des plats délicats comme le risotto ou les pâtes fraîches aux œufs (tagliatelles ou tagliolini), mais il est également savoureux avec des œufs pochés ou avec un succulent filet de bœuf. Pour préserver le goût précieux de la truffe, il faut cependant être prudent : c'est en effet un ingrédient assez délicat à cuisiner et à conserver. La règle de base avant la cuisson est d'enlever soigneusement toute la terre qui le recouvre, et de le trancher très finement, avec l'emporte-pièce approprié, quelques minutes seulement avant de servir, pour conserver tout son arôme. J'ai choisi la truffe noire pour ce plat de pâtes, mais, si vous préférez, vous pouvez opter pour la truffe blanche d'Alba !


360 g de tagliatelles fraîches
55 g (2 onces) de beurre
50 ml (environ ¼ tasse) d'huile d'olive (extra vierge)
1 gousse d'ail, pelée
60-70 g (environ 2-2,5 oz) de truffe noire
Sel de mer et poivre fraîchement moulu


Préparez des tagliatelles fraîches selon la recette. Nettoyez la truffe. Séchez-le soigneusement avec un chiffon humide pour éliminer l'excédent de terre, puis brossez-le avec une brosse moyennement dure pour éliminer toute trace d'impuretés. Séchez-le soigneusement avant de le trancher. Trancher (environ 1/2) finement avec un emporte-pièce adapté et réserver. Dans une grande casserole, porter à ébullition beaucoup d’eau légèrement salée. Dans une poêle, faites fondre le beurre à feu doux, puis ajoutez l'huile. Ajouter l'ail et cuire jusqu'à ce qu'il soit légèrement doré. Retirez-le ensuite, éteignez le feu et ajoutez les flocons de truffe préalablement tranchés. Gardez-en un peu de côté pour la décoration finale du plat. Faites cuire les pâtes al dente pendant 3 à 4 minutes. Égoutter les pâtes en réservant 120 ml (½ tasse) d'eau de cuisson. Ajoutez l'eau de cuisson à la sauce aux truffes, puis les pâtes. Mélangez délicatement. Garnir de nombreux flocons de truffes fraîches et servir immédiatement.

Pasta with spicy salami 

A delicious first course simple and rich in taste, in fact you only need very few ingredients to quickly prepare a good and tasty dish. To prepare the pasta with spicy salami I used cherry tomatoes but you can also use San Marzano tomatoes or if you don't have fresh tomatoes use peeled tomatoes or tomato sauce. I recommend that you also look at other recipes for pasta dishes, you will surely find some other recipes to try. Pasta with salami is a very simple dish to prepare but irresistible when it arrives on the table steaming. Savory and tasty, it will be a real surprise for lovers of intense flavors.


320 g pasta
15 g triple tomato paste
50 g olives
60 g onion
50 g spicy salami
extra virgin olive oil


Let's start preparing the pasta with spicy salami, pour some water into a pot and when it boils, add the salt and the pasta and cook it according to the time indicated on the package and in any case al dente. Clean the onion and chop it coarsely, leaving larger pieces quietly. Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut them in half. Slice the spicy salami and then cut each slice into small pieces. Pour extra virgin olive oil into a pan, add the onion and brown it for a few minutes, then add the cherry tomatoes and olives and cook for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. Now add the spicy salami and the triple concentrate that you will dilute with a drop of pasta cooking water. Continue cooking the sauce for about ten minutes. When the pasta is cooked, drain it and set aside half a glass of cooking water that you can then add to the sauce if necessary. Pour the pasta into the pan with the deviled sauce, mix well and stir everything, if the sauce has thickened too much, add a few tablespoons of pasta cooking water, serve the pasta with spicy salami hot. Plate up and serve to your guests.

Risotto with asparagus and prawns The asparagus risotto, together with the zucchini risotto, tinges our spring menus green! I chose to bring...