Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Octopus, potatoes and peppers

Octopus, potatoes, peppers. One thing I really like is the warm salad of octopus, potatoes, peppers; It is a very rich, tasty single dish that everyone usually likes. Its preparation takes some time, but the recipe is simple and within everyone's reach, even those who have recently started cooking and its flavor pays off great. As I said above, I prepare octopus, potatoes, peppers because my family prefers this combination but it is also delicious by adding, in summer, plum tomatoes and pieces of celery. I know that peppers are also a type of summer vegetable but this time, having found some of Sicilian origin, I made an exception to the rule...


1,200 kg of cleaned octopus 
1 onion
1 medium
carrot 2-3 sticks of celery including leaves
1/2 lemon
1/2 glass of white
wine 4 medium
potatoes 1 red
pepper 1 yellow
pepper extra virgin olive oil 
salt and pepper to taste


Clean and wash the octopus well (I have it cleaned by the fishmonger) and let it drain, clean the carrot and peel the onion, wash them together with the celery and lemon. In a large saucepan, boil the water with the vegetables mentioned above and the lemon; when it comes to a boil, insert the octopus, first dipping the tentacles 2-3 times and then all together; Add the white wine and cook for 50 minutes, turn off the heat and let it cool in its water. When the octopus is sufficiently cooled, boil the potatoes, cut them into pieces and place them in a bowl, wash the peppers, cut a red and a yellow layer into small pieces (or as much as you prefer, depending on your taste) and add it to the potatoes. Remove the octopus from the pot, let it drain, then peel it and cut it into pieces, season it together with the potatoes and peppers with salt, pepper, freshly ground, and extra virgin olive oil. Your plate of octopus, potatoes, peppers is ready to be eaten.


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