Sunday, August 27, 2023

Pizza with pancetta 

Today it's the turn of pizza with bacon and onions.... Maybe it will be clear to everyone that I love pizza in all its forms and variations and this is one of my favorites: bacon, onions and provolone come together in a unique taste and I recommend you try it if you have never done it, you will do it many more times, I'm sure! This pizza has a rich and decisive flavor and is certainly not suitable for all palates, but it will surely appeal to many gourmets! As an alternative to bacon, you can also use sausage or raw ham. Really very good and particular. Enjoy your meal!


300 gr of flour 
180 ml of water
2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 gr of brewer's yeast
300 gr of provolone
200 gr of sliced bacon
2 onions
extra virgin olive oil


Prepare the pizza dough. Above all, remember to prepare the dough for pizza at least one day before, so as to have a well-matured dough as well as leavened. Roll out the dough in a baking tray greased with oil. Season with the provola cheese cut into cubes, the onion cut into thin slices and finally the bacon. As an alternative to using raw onions, you can also cut them and cook them in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and water and then use them to season your pizza. Complete with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and bake at 220 C degrees for about 10 minutes. Enjoy your meal!

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