Thursday, May 25, 2023

 Why Italian food is the most loved in the world😍

Italian food is the best in the world and in fact it is the most imitated. We have a gastronomic heritage so varied that it is the envy of anyone. But there's more, let's find out together... Among the many drivers of this success there is certainly the Mediterranean diet, increasingly appreciated abroad, of which Italian food is the backbone. Their wine is increasingly in demand, in fact it is among the most exported products. Beyond the charm of the "Italian way of life" of which Italian cuisine is the emblem, Italian agri-food has achieved quality and safety records such as to be appreciated all over the world. The new Chinese upper-middle class, aware of having sacrificed the territory, polluting it without problems so as not to hinder unstoppable industrial growth in the last 15 years, seeks healthy Italian food for their family. For example, Italy is among the largest exporters of baby milk in China. 

In Europe Italy is the leading organic country with over 60 thousand organic farms, they aim to safeguard the typicality as no one does thanks to the 40 thousand farms engaged in preserving seeds or plants at risk of extinction. But one thing that many ignore is that Italy also boasts the primacy of world food security, with the largest number of agri-food products with regular chemical residues (99.4%). This is also well known by Italian consumers who are the most attentive to Made in Italy. According to the Coldiretti/Ixe survey, Italian food is an important added value: Almost 2/3 of Italians are willing to pay at least up to 20% more in order to guarantee the Italian character of the product they bring to the table. 

A crackdown is needed on agropiracy and agromafia. Welcome to the proposal for the reform of food crimes presented by Giancarlo Caselli, president of the scientific committee of the Agromafia Observatory promoted by Coldiretti. The Caselli reform – explains Coldiretti – provides for a strengthening of Article 517 of the Criminal Code on the use of national or foreign names, trademarks or distinctive signs capable of misleading the buyer about the origin, provenance or quality of the work or product. Like the comic strip Spider-Man, we should remember that "with great power comes great responsibility."

Ethics, transparency, sustainability, are the 3 fundamental values to maintain the prestige of Italian food. At stake is the recognizability of my country of origen in the world, it is the sacrifices of our predecessors, it is about the many young people who should do their training experiences abroad and then return to Italy and be the driving force of ideas, skills and development for our land.

What will the food of the future look like in light of the events that changed the world? Genuineness, authenticity and sustainability, at the base of consumer choices. In 2021, in fact, the Made in Italy agri-food sector emerges victorious from the pandemic: in 2021 it is worth 538 billion euros, representing 25% of Italian GDP (ANSA). These data came from the Food, Wine & Co. – Food for Future, Future for Food event, held in Rome and online. The Mediterranean diet, increasingly appreciated as a lifestyle overseas, has recently been rediscovered by Italians as a 0 km, sustainable, and tailored to anyone around the world. And if a conscious choice can be the reduction of meat consumption in favor of plant foods. On the other hand, the use of food delivery, which continues its race, recording a growth of 59% compared to 2020, can be considered alternative choices. 

Protection and traceability are today the keys to enhance and protect the "Brand Italia", starting from the fight against the phenomenon of Italian sounding, which in 2021 caused economic damage of about 100 billion euros, with 5.5 million kg of goods seized. Authenticity in food in consumption is a fundamental value, rediscovered above all by the newest generations.

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