Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Pizza with mortadella and pistachios 💚 

Mozzarella with mortadella and fried pistachios is a pleasant recipe to see, but above all to taste. Rich in local flavors. It can be stuffed in various ways, with mushrooms, meat, vegetables, tuna, raw, cherry tomatoes. Personally I believe that with mortadella and pistachio collects the maximum consensus ever. The pizza with mortadella and pistachios is a tasty variant of the "red" Neapolitan pizza, prepared at home and as good as the one made in a pizzeria. Here is the recipe for happiness that brings joy to the first bite.

I want to offer you a gourmet variant cooked in "white" which is then enriched by a tasty condiment based on stringy cheese with a creamy pistachio pesto, slices of mortadella and burrata. Two layers of infinite goodness. The combination with mortadella and pistachio pesto hardly leaves you unsatisfied, it's really good! Thanks to the basic recipe of pizza as in a pizzeria, you will get a perfect set of aromas, textures and flavors, with a good, thin but also light and digestible pizza, with a soft and slightly crunchy cornice as in a pizzeria but in the oven at home! If you have never tried it, we advise you to do it as soon as possible because it will surely surprise you. Preparing it is not difficult at all, just follow our procedure and our advice. With a little practice you will learn how to prepare a perfect pizza!

It can be served on several occasions, from brunch to aperitif, or for an evening with friends. It is a rather simple preparation, with few rules, excellent ingredients and only 1 gram of yeast. This is a pizza that at 10.00 am you can eat just as if it were a sandwich. The combination of burrata, freshly sliced mortadella and pistachios, is one of those that at least once in your life is worth trying. Curious to try it? The call of pizza is impossible to resist.


500 g flour 
1 g dry yeast or 2 g fresh yeast
325 g cold water from fridge
5 g malt or honey or sugar
12 ml sunflower oil
12 g fine salt
durum wheat semolina flour to taste
mortadella to taste thinly cut
300 g mozzarella 
1 burrata of 300 g
Pistachio pesto to taste
chopped pistachios to taste
basil to taste
extra virgin olive oil to taste


Once the dough is ready and after finishing the spread of the dough, transfer the pizza to the shovel and bake with a little oil around the entire base. Bake on the base of the oven with the refractory stone for about 6 minutes. Then remove from the oven and add the mozzarella fiordilatte. Continue cooking for another 2 minutes on the 1st level closest to the grill, without removing the stone. Finally, take out of the oven, add a few teaspoons of pistachio pesto, mortadella, burrata, chopped and finally a few basil leaves. As a quantity, adjust according to your tastes. Serve hot. Cut the burrata in half and gently spread it over the whole pizza randomly. Enjoy your meal!

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