Monday, May 22, 2023


The pork sauce, falsomagro, sausage and meatballs is a typical Sicilian dish and in particular of Messina; A recipe that invited us to lunch for the great recurring parties! The false word derives from the French "farce", that is "stuffing". In French "farce" is pronounced "fars", so it is assumed that over time it has become farsu. This hypothesis would translate the term "false lean" with the expression "lean meat with filling", that is, stuffed meat. The falsomagro della nonna is an institution of Sicilian cuisine: it is expected with trepidation in all the most important anniversaries.


Ingredients for meatballs
1.5 kg of mixed ground cattle, veal and pork
150g of Parmigiano Reggiano
3 whole eggs + 3 yolks
1 clove of garlic, minced
300g bread crumbs
1 liter of seed oil (for frying meatballs only)

Ingredients for Falsomagro
5 slices of beef cut very wide and thin (minimum 250g each)
ground to taste prepared to make meatballs after
5 whole eggs (to make an omelette)
5 slices of cooked prosciutto
stringy cheese
kitchen twine

Ingredients for the sauce
extra virgin olive oil (abundant)
3 cloves of garlic
2 onions, chopped
4 bottles of homemade tomato puree of 700ml
salt & pepper


For the beef falsomagro: use 5 slices of very lean and thin meat... 250g (minimum) each... fill each slice with ground prepared to make meatballs: In a bowl put 1.5 kg of minced beef, veal and pork, 300g of bread crumbs, 3 whole eggs + 3 egg yolks, salt & pepper, 1 clove of chopped garlic, 150g Parmesan mix well with your hands. From this ground remove about 100g and stuff the slice of meat well spread with your hands on the cutting board. Prepare the omelette egg by beating 2 eggs and season them with salt & pepper.  Cut the omelette in half and stuff the slice of meat. Add cooked prosciutto and stringy cheese,  form the edges roll them up and tie with kitchen twine. Thus realize all 5 falsomagri. Then with the remaining minced seasoned meat, form meatballs (30) and fry them in peanut oil. As soon as they are well browned, put them aside (in a dish with absorbent oil paper) because they will have to be inserted into our sauce when it is halfway through cooking. For the meat sauce: in a very large saucepan, pour abundant extra virgin olive oil and fry 3 cloves of garlic and 2 chopped onions. Add the 5 falsomagro and the pork cut with all the rind fry on both sides. Pour the tomato puree rustic type and cook the sauce for about 1 hour and 30 minutes over low heat with lid on half shaking the saucepan every 15 minutes to prevent the meat from burning on the bottom after. Add to the sauce the sausage and fried meatballs before  cook the sauce for another hour and a half so in total this sauce must cook about 3 hours over minimum heat. After cooking, let the sauce rest for at least 1 hour so that everything acquires a greater flavor.
With this delicious meat sauce it is a must to prepare and season rrotini pasta, striped celery or homemade pasta. Serve with grated Parmesan. Enjoy your meal! For second course serve the falsomagro cut into slices, the sausage, the pork shoulder and the meatballs!


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