Friday, April 28, 2023

Spaghetti with walnut sauce with cherry tomatoes and crispy bread

Spaghetti with walnut sauce with cherry tomatoes and crispy bread, are a dish that is longer to pronounce than to prepare: few ingredients available in all seasons. While bringing the water to a boil and cooking the spaghetti, prepare the sauce: in a short time you will have a delicious first course, also ideal for the classic spaghetti with friends. I love colors, and that's how I wanted to revisit the classic walnut sauce, with lively and tasty ingredients, for a quick dish to prepare, suitable for all occasions!

Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and walnuts are a quick and delicious dish to prepare when you are in a hurry or when you want something "simple". The arrival of spring recalls beautiful spaghetti with friends, for this reason today I want to offer you an alternative recipe, but as always quick and effective: spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and walnuts and crispy bread. The shape of the pasta is of course not mandatory but I assure you that the cream that I am going to prepare strongly enhances the spaghetti. Intriguing, in this sauce of cherry tomatoes and walnuts, the combination of flavors: the sweetish cherry tomatoes, the intense notes of walnuts, to combine everything, the garlic that is dampened by grated Parmesan cheese and the unmistakable scent of crispy bread.


Spaghetti 320 g
Walnut kernels 200 g
Stale bread 80 g
Milk 150 ml
Parmesan cheese (grated) 40 g
Cherry tomatoes 150 g
Garlic 1 clove
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Salt to taste
Basil to taste


First put the pot of water for cooking pasta on the fire. Soak half of the finely chopped stale bread (40 g) with milk. Now wash the cherry tomatoes and sauté them in a pan with a few tablespoons of oil and the clove of garlic (which you will remove before it blackens.) When they have taken color, salt them and add the rest of the stale bread cut into chunks (40 g.) The moment the bread appears golden, you can turn it off. Now continue the preparation of the walnut sauce: pass the bread soaked in milk to the mixer, adding the walnut kernels and Parmesan cheese. Chop everything, salt and add oil if necessary
In the meantime, even the water for the spaghetti will have come to a boil: salt it and throw the pasta, following the cooking times indicated on the package. Season the pasta with the walnut sauce and sauté it in a pan with the cherry tomatoes and crispy bread. Scented with a few leaves of fresh basil (if available) and serve!

If you prefer, you can add to the walnut sauce, a clove of garlic and 30 g of pine nuts. I wanted to use spaghetti, which are perfect with cherry tomatoes and breadcrumbs, but you can use the pasta shape you like best.


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