Thursday, April 27, 2023

Fried crescentine 

Fried crescentine are a typical appetizer of northern Italy and are eaten accompanied with mortadella, cooked ham, raw ham, cheese... to be exact, fried crescentine are a typical dish of Emilia Romagna. The dough of the crescentine is similar to that of bread, only that the leavening has a shorter time and to cook them they are fried. The Emilian tradition wants crescentine to be fried in lard, but the version I propose is that of frying in seed oil.

Fried crescentine are a traditional Emilian dish, originally from Modena. They are eaten accompanied by cold cuts and cheeses, they are rather similar to fried dumplings, but they are not to be confused with tigelle. A name that already says everything about their preparation, which immediately refers to the growth of the dough during leavening, because in fact it is simple leavened dough.

Even in Bologna and its province, the "fried crescentina" reigns supreme. Unlike the recipe of gnocco fritto modenese or reggiano, this preparation also includes yeast, extra virgin olive oil, warm water and whole milk as ingredients. Cut the dough into lozenges, not too large, and then fry them in oil or if you prefer in lard. The result? A soft quadrangular specialty with circular bulges, characteristic, due to the air bubbles that are created during frying.


500 g durum wheat flour
1 sachet chemical yeast powder
1 tsp salt
2 tablespoons fresh liquid cream
Fresh whole milk
Frying oil


In a bowl, knead the flour well with the baking powder, cream, milk and salt, taking care to pour all the ingredients a little at a time; As soon as the dough becomes homogeneous and elastic, let it rest covered by a cloth for at least half an hour; After half an hour, take the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin, taking care to leave the dough about half a centimeter high; Cut the dough into diamonds, squares or strips (as it comes easier); Fry in plenty of hot oil for a few minutes (until they darken), drain and sprinkle with a little salt; They are eaten accompanied by mortadella, prosciutto, cooked ham and cheeses.

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