Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Meatballs and ravioli 😁 👍 

The ravioli with meatballs are prepared by draining the pasta al dente and seasoning it with tomato sauce and meatballs made first fried and then combined with the sauce, will be placed in the center of the serving dish on the pasta. The pasta with meatballs with sauce I assure you that it is very welcome, made and redone every time at my house is a party. First and second together; The pasta thus seasoned is so good and hearty that to end lunch just bring to the table vegetables both cooked and raw to taste. The procedure is easy, once you have prepared the meatballs with sauce just cook the pasta you prefer and then mix everything sautéing with a generous sprinkling of Parmesan before delighting your diners. As an alternative you can use ground lean beef or veal.

List of ingredients

250 g. ground beef
250 g. sausage
2 slices of bread
1 glass of milk
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 whole egg
50 g. grated Parmesan cheese
nutmeg to taste
salt and pepper to taste

Method of preparation

Start the preparation of this special pasta with meatballs. Soak the slices of bread with a glass of milk for 10 minutes and then squeeze well. Combine in a bowl the minced beef with the sausage deprived of the casing and the bread well squeezed. Add the finely chopped parsley, Parmesan, whole egg and season with grated nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste. Knead the mixture with your hands until you get a homogeneous and well-blended mixture. To be sure of the salting of the meat I proceed by taking a very small portion of mixture that I cook in a pan for a minute. In this way we can be sure of the degree of flavor of the meatballs and we can possibly correct the flavor. And here comes the time if we want more boring than all the preparation but as I told you arm yourself with patience and good music and proceed without fear because all this effort you will forget savoring the first bite! Take a small part of the mixture and roll it in your hands, preferably moistened with a little water. Place each meatball on a tray and try to make them all the same size. Separately, finely chop a small onion. Put a large pan on the heat and pour a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Add the onion and let it sizzle for a few minutes preventing it from darkening too much. Then pour the tomato puree and dilute it with half a glass of hot water, cover with a lid and cook gently for 20 minutes. While the sauce is cooking, put another pan on the fire, let it heat well and add extra virgin olive oil. Sauté a few meatballs at a time for 2 minutes turning them and making sure that the meat is colored homogeneously then take them and put them on a plate. Continue browning all the mini meatballs and when you have done remove the lid from the sauce and dip them all inside. Season with salt and pepper then cover and cook the sauce for another 10 minutes. Cook the pasta in salted water and drain al dente, drain and season with the sauce. Serve garnished with the remaining sauce and placing the meatballs in the center. Serve separately the grated Parmesan cheese.

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