Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Dandelion salad 👍 

This herb is not only an excellent diuretic and a great ally of the immune system; It is also very good for the brain and nervous system... If you want to detoxify, reduce inflammatory indices and uric acids and increase immune defenses, throughout the month of March bet on dandelion, also known as chicory from the meadows. It is a plant used since ancient times for its healing properties, of which today new and very effective virtues have been discovered: first of all, dandelion has shown, in a recent American study, a particular ability to stimulate the immune response, therefore excellent for increasing the defenses of our body. Another research, carried out in South Korea, highlighted the regenerating activity that this plant performs on the central nervous system. Therefore, in addition to the already known diuretic, laxative, stimulating properties on the liver and gallbladder and activating the digestive process by promoting the secretions of all the glands of the gastrointestinal tract, dandelion today must also be attributed the ability to strengthen our immune defenses and protect the brain.

If we have the chance (but nowadays it is found in herbal medicine and among many gardeners), it will be pleasant in March to collect this plant in the meadows: it has recently sprouted and we recognize it from the yellow flowers that, shortly after blooming, soon give way to soft and feathery globes. Once harvested in abundance, prepare with its leaves a nice salad and eat it every day, flavoring it (to taste) with a little garlic, some diced lard (without exaggeration) and half diced avocado, which nourishes the neurons. Dandelion leaves have a pleasantly bitter taste and it is precisely the bitter substances (tarassicin and inulin) that have various therapeutic properties.

The intensity of its bitter taste gives us the measure of the activity they carry out within our body: thanks to their action the purifying, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effect is guaranteed, even at the cerebral level. If as an alternative to salad you prefer decoction, boil for a couple of minutes a teaspoon of dried dandelion root (it is found in herbal medicine) in 250 ml of water. Then let it rest for five minutes and consume 2 cups a day, fasting, for at least 10-20 days. Throughout the spring you will enjoy the protection of this generous meadow grass.

If already at the beginning of March you are a victim of the typical spring exhaustion, dandelion is really the plant for you: in addition to the leaves, eat its flowers in salads, rich in restorative hormones, choosing the smaller and tenderer ones; Season with a drizzle of olive oil and lemon juice and enjoy the salad as an appetizer. Remember, however, that dandelion interacts with painkillers, diuretics and hypoglycemic drugs. Avoid taking it if you already take these medicines.

Dandelion is an excellent digestive, it helps cleanse the body and detoxify the liver. It is a very strong diuretic. Due to the strong potassium content that stimulates diuresis and promotes the elimination of excess fluids. In Italy there is a habit of doing spring cleaning. These are often associated with a period of cleansing for the body. It is in spring that dandelion is traditionally eaten in Canada.


4 asparagus, green, preferably wild
1 pot holder baking soda
1 dandelion punch
½ fist meadow flowers
1 Valerian punch
1 pear, small
2 tablespoons raisins
1 punch pine nuts, toasted
1 punch hazelnuts, toasted
2 lemons, juice only
extra virgin olive oil
½ chili, fresh

Personal addition
1 avocado
6 berries

Squeeze the lemon and pour it into a cup. Peel the pear and cut it into thin slices with the potato peeler. Put the slices in the lemon. Peel the avocado, cut it into slices with the potato peeler and put the slices in lemon juice. In a saucepan without fat, toast pine nuts and hazelnuts. Soak the raisins in a little water. Wash the dandelion. Remove the roots so that the leaves separate and put them in a salad bowl. Clean the flowers and add them to the dandelion. Boil water and add the baking soda. Wash the asparagus and cut the hard parts. Then throw them in boiling water for 5 minutes. Peel the berries and cut them into slices. Add all the ingredients, season with salt, oil, lemon juice, in which you have put the pears and avocado and flavor everything with chili.

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