Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Spaghetti with fresh prawns with chili, garlic, parsley, capers, anchovies and a really good extra virgin olive oil

Food-lover friends, today I present you the recipe for a first course really rich in taste and very tasty: spaghetti with prawns, olives, capers and anchovies. The preparation is similar to that of a classic garlic, oil and chili, but reinforced by the ingredients mentioned. Everything is creamed with a cream of Parmesan that I will make with a little pasta cooking water. Rich in parsley and with a sprinkling of toasted breadcrumbs, it will really be an irresistible dish. Try it when you want to cook something quick and a delight to your palate. In a short time and with a few simple ingredients you will make everyone really happy!


2 garlic cloves
extra virgin olive oil
chili pepper
8 prawns
6 black olives
capers in salt
5 anchovies in oil
4 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
200 g spaghetti
chopped parsley
2 tablespoons breadcrumbs


To prepare spaghetti with prawns, olives, capers and anchovies, first in a non-stick pan fry two cloves of chopped garlic with chili. Then you will add the pitted black olives cut into small pieces and the capers in salt well washed. You will then join four or five anchovies that you will literally melt in the sauté. Separately, in salted water, you will cook the spaghetti. With a little of their cooking water you will prepare in a bowl a cream with grated Parmesan. In a pan toast a little breadcrumbs with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Drain the pasta al dente. You will sauté it in a pan for a few minutes with the various ingredients. So you will add the cream of Parmesan and plenty of chopped parsley. Mix well and serve to taste with a little toasted breadcrumbs.

Buon appetito, food-lovers! 


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