Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Meat chops ''Braciole'' 

Today I want to introduce you to a beautiful recipe of the Calabrian tradition. In the past, between December and February the pig was slaughtered in almost all the houses in Calabria. It was a great party invited many relatives and friends, to help and to eat, it was a great party as well as a great job. There was so much of that joy, it took three days to fix all that good of God. To make pork chops usually use the cut of meat that is located between the loin and the rib, which is lean, but is interspersed with streaks of fat, when you want to prepare many you can use, also, slices thigh or shoulder. Of course the aromas and ingredients can vary from one recipe to another, some recipes provide pieces of flavored fat to stuff them.

Calabrian meat chops are a recipe that is often presented on the tables of this region. Very thin slices of meat wrap a very aromatic filling, soft and rich in capers. The Calabrian rolls are very simple to make and the trick for the success of this dish is to wet the filling made of breadcrumbs until you get a compactable mixture with your hands. 

I advise you to follow me in the kitchen, so, I explain the very simple procedure!

Ingredients for 4 people

16 thin slices of beef
150 grams of breadcrumbs
2 heaped tablespoons of salted capers
a teaspoon of oregano
2 tablespoons of oil + to grease the pan
a bunch of parsley
a teaspoon of salt
a nice ground black pepper
an optional clove of garlic
water to taste (about 50 ml)


Put the breadcrumbs in the glass of a blender, add the garlic, washed parsley, desalted capers, salt, pepper, oregano and blend everything.
Transfer the breadcrumbs into a bowl and wet with oil and water, mix the mixture and check that it is compactable with your hands (as if they were meatballs). Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease a baking sheet with a little oil. Place the slices of meat in a floor and arrange the seasoned breadcrumbs in the center (as in the photo). Wrap the slices by compressing with your hands and arrange them, with the opening facing down and continue until you finish the chops of Calabrian meat. Brush the surface of the rolls with a little oil and bake for about twenty minutes or until the meat is cooked. Serve your Calabrian meat chops hot and accompanied by a nice salad.

Did you like the recipe of Calabrian meat chops? Let me know!

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