Friday, December 27, 2024

Roast Pork with Potatoes and Carrots 

Roast pork with potatoes and carrots is simple to prepare, but is always very popular with all diners. A roast that in addition to offering a tasty dish also has an excellent side dish. Roast pork with potatoes and carrots is perfect with new chips, but you can also get a great result with larger potatoes cut into wedges. In this way, therefore, roast pork with potatoes and carrots can be prepared in every season of the year, not only in spring when new chips are more easily available.


1 kg pork, loin, raw
500 g new potatoes
300 g carrots
1/2 l vegetable broth
1 clove garlic
salt to taste
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 sprig rosemary


Before starting to prepare roast pork with potatoes and carrots, it is good to think about the pork loin by tying it in order to obtain a more regular shape. This operation can also be done by the butcher. In a high-sided saucepan, brown the piece of pork with a little oil and a clove of garlic. Add a sprig of rosemary and brown well on each side to seal the meat well. Add a little salt. Then add the already hot vegetable broth. Vegetable broth can be prepared by boiling celery, carrot and onion for about 1 hour, or using vegetable stock cube. Bring to a boil and then let it simmer slowly for about half an hour. In the meantime, peel the carrots and cut them into pieces that are not too small. Wash the new potatoes well without peeling them. Leave the new fries whole. Only if they are too large cut them in half. After the first half hour of cooking the meat, add the vegetables and adjust the amount of liquid. If necessary, add a little more vegetable broth. Gently cook the meat with the vegetables for about 40 minutes, reducing the sauce until you have a thick and tasty sauce. Season with salt. Remove the meat from the pot and wrap it in a sheet of aluminum foil. Allow the meat to rest for 15-30 minutes before slicing. This means that the rested meat can be sliced better. Remove the vegetables from the pot and keep them warm. In the meantime, add a little water to the pot and bring to a boil, at the same time detaching any cooking residues from the bottom and walls. Keep this tasty sauce warm. Then slice the pork. Serve the roast accompanied by the vegetables and its sauce.


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