Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Pappardelle with beef ragù ❤️

Here is the classic Sunday dish: pappardelle with meat sauce. There are countless variations to prepare the sauce that seasoned this tasty first course. In Calabria, for example, the ragù is made with rather large pieces of meat and cooked for four or five hours, while in Emilia it is prepared with minced meat and has a shorter cooking time. The ragù I prepared is an interpretation of the classic Bolognese sauce with a mixture of minced beef and pork. Compared to the traditional recipe, however, I used, in the Calabrian way, a greater quantity of tomato puree, red chili pepper and instead of parmesan aged pecorino. It's a perfect dish for chilly winter evenings and the whole family will love it.


600 g of pappardelle (fresh pasta)
200 g of minced beef
200 g of crumbled pork sausage
500 ml of tomato puree
A small carrot 
An onion 
A stalk of celery 
A clove of garlic
A red chili pepper
A glass of red wine 
Aged Calabrian Pecorino cheese to taste
Extra virgin olive oil


Prepare a mixture of carrot, onion, celery, garlic and chili pepper and pour it into a pan (I used my stone pot) where a drizzle of oil has been heated. Sauté for a couple of minutes, then add the minced beef and pork, and after a minute the red wine. Let it evaporate, add the tomato puree and season with salt. Lower the heat to low and cook in a half-covered pot for about two hours, stirring occasionally. Dip the pappardelle in plenty of boiling salted water, drain and pour into the pot, add the meat sauce, a drizzle of raw oil, stir so that the sauce seasoned the pasta well and serve with a generous sprinkling of grated pecorino cheese. 


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