Thursday, January 11, 2024

Coffee and Nutella Cake 

Prepare it now, it's a fabulous cake! The Cold Coffee and Nutella Cake is an excellent semifreddo (but not only) quick and easy to make. We will only need four ingredients: Whipping Cream, Condensed Milk, Coffee and of course a few tablespoons of Nutella. It is really delicious and light, perfect for both a delicious breakfast and after dinner. We can customize the Cold Coffee and Nutella Cake in many different ways: by adding ingredients such as chocolate chips, biscuits in pieces or pieces of meringues and so on. We can easily store the Cold Cake in the freezer even for several days. Let's see the Recipe!


500 g Whipping Cream
250 g Condensed milk
Cups of Coffee
Chopped Hazelnuts for Decorating


Let's start the preparation of the Cold Coffee and Nutella Cake by setting aside a cake pan with a minimum diameter of 18 cm up to a maximum of 26 cm, set it aside because we will need it later. Prepare the two cups of coffee and leave them to cool. Pour the cream into a large bowl and whip using an electric mixer. Add the Condensed Milk and incorporate it into the Cream, stirring constantly with a whisk, finally add the Coffee now at room temperature and incorporate it too. Pour the coffee cream into the cake pan and level it well (if you want you can line the cake pan with plastic wrap, this way it will be easier to remove it once ready). Decorate the cake with a little Nutella (you can soften it by heating it in the microwave for a few seconds) and chopped hazelnuts. Place the Cold Coffee and Nutella Cake in the freezer to firm up for at least 3-4 hours, enjoy very cold. The cold and quick Coffee and Nutella Cake does not freeze in the freezer and will remain very soft.


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