Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Buffalo Mozzarella and Tomato Sandwich

When buffalo mozzarella milk and sweet tomato juice join forces on a sandwich, seeping into the pillowy bread, something amazing happens. Drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with basil, the result is transcendent. Take everything away from me, but don't take away my sandwiches, I might to paraphrase an old advertisement, of which I remember nothing but one similar slogan. This time a buffalo mozzarella sandwich, of course the one taken in the shop with the tomato, typical of the cold months, which I have dehydrated to accentuate the flavour and, to finish, with sautéed chicory in the pan, which I did using only the green leaves, the ones that typically they are discarded when, on the other hand, they are made in the classic way.


Fifty grams of buffalo mozzarella
One or two cherry tomatoes (or other variety)
The leaves of a head of chicory
Eight anchovy fillets in oil
Extra virgin olive oil
A clove of garlic


No doubt start with the dehydration of the tomatoes, cutting them into slices, about half a centimeter thick, then placing them in a baking sheet, on which you have placed a sheet of parchment paper, and then salt them and also add a little sugar, rained down, which It will help to enhance their sweetness, while reducing their component Sour. Bake at about 100°C for about an hour and a half, however until you see that the tomatoes have "shriveled", a sign that the water contained within them has largely evaporated. When the tomatoes are ready, take them out of the oven and let them cool. As long as the tomatoes go, proceed with the preparation of the anchovy emulsion, putting a nice blender glass on it, traditional or hand blender, adding, to start, two tablespoons of oil extra virgin olive oil and two of very cold water or, alternatively, a cube of ice. Run at top speed, so you can bring life to life to the emulsion, which you will adjust in its density by dosing oil and water, until get the right one, doing the classic test with the back of the spoon and checking that the emulsion drips off, leaving a thin layer on the spoon. You will only have to use the green leaves - with the rest, of course, you can make puntarelle according to their classic Roman recipe - which you will wash and then you will dry. Take a frying pan, preferably non-stick, grease it With two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, add the peeled garlic clove and slightly crushed, then bring it to the stove, over medium heat. Brown the garlic, then remove it and add the chicory, lightly salting them and sautéing them over high heat for a for a couple of minutes, in order to make them soft, then turn off and let them cool. So much so that the chicory cools, cut the buffalo mozzarella and slices that are not too thin and leave them for a few minutes on a slanted cutting board, so that a little of their whey can drip off. Well, we are ready for the composition of the sandwich, dividing it in two and, on the lower half, you will put the anchovy emulsion, in order to cover the crumb evenly. Then arrange the slices of dehydrated tomato, followed by those of buffalo mozzarella, ending with the sautéed puntarelle. Close the sandwich with the top half, pressing lightly, let it sit for five minutes and then, finally, take a bite. Enjoy your meal.

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