Saturday, December 9, 2023

Potatoes and sausage in a pan

Potatoes and sausage in a pan are a very simple dish to prepare, and tasty... With this cooking you will get potatoes that are soft on the inside and crispy on the outside and sausage that is well cooked and browned as if it were cooked in the oven, but in much less time and without turning on the oven... Perfect for dinner or as a main course for lunch, potatoes and sausage in a pan with their goodness will conquer the whole family. 😉


4 pieces of sausage
1 kg. potatoes
2 cloves of garlic
extra virgin olive oil
salt, pepper


Wash the potatoes well, peel them and cut them into chunks or slices, wash well under running water to remove the starch and dry them well with a clean cloth. Put the potatoes in a bowl and season with plenty of oil, salt and pepper. Take a large frying pan and heat it on the stove over medium heat (the secret to having crispy potatoes on the outside and soft on the inside is to place them in a large pan with a thick bottom that contains them in a single layer and you will also have the sausage well cooked and browned.) As soon as the pan is nice and hot, put the sausage and potatoes in a single layer, add the poached garlic (without peeling), brown both the sausage and the potatoes on both sides, as soon as everything is browned (it will take about 5 minutes), lower the heat to low and cover with a lid (after browning I transfer the pan to the small heat of the coffee and continue cooking over medium heat), Continue cooking by shaking the pan every now and then and turning with a wooden spoon a few times, cook for about 45 minutes, add the rosemary well washed and dried, remove the garlic and taste to check the cooking, the sausage must be well browned and the potatoes crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, if they need to cook a little more continue cooking for a few more minutes. Serve very hot, just removed from the heat.


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