Thursday, December 7, 2023

Margherita Cocciuta

This is where gourmet pizza comes from, and hence its high cost. Because it is precisely the second phase, that of preparation, of topping (without taking anything away from the leavening), that becomes more and more decisive. Which means: choice of tomato, cheese, vegetables and cured meats, often from small producers and zero kilometer, of protected origin (PDO), to arrive at so-called "luxury" ingredients, such as red prawns, caviar or truffles. So, in short, when I talk about choice I don't mean whether to order a Margherita or a Capricciosa, but whether to order a leavened dish in which the difference is made by the ingredients, the cooking, the respect for tradition in constant dialogue with innovation, all together to offer an ever-new taste experience. And Milan is now full of places like this. Then maybe more expensive than Naples or Rome. And here is more...

I  searched among several pizzerias and I chose, and already tried, 5, just to skim the infinity of those opened in Milan in recent years, just on the wave of gourmet pizza. Without wanting to exaggerate with toppings and other things that normally raise (it must be said) the prices, for a pizza a little different from the Margherita and the Marinara, you can easily get to 20 euros. A figure that can easily be exceeded by adding drinks and service. But we need to remember the above ingredients. Everyone is good at mixing flour, water and adding a little tomato (me too! But when I want to live the experience of eating a pizza, well, I go out...). For some, paying more than 8 euros sounds like legalized theft: "Pizza is a popular dish, 10 euros seems like a very high price if you think you only pay for the raw material. But that's not the case," said Lino Stoppani, president of Epam (Confcommercio Milano). There are also the costs of energy, labor, rent. Not to mention the increases in the prices of raw materials (flour, oil, milk, etc.) up to 60% higher than last year (source: Confartigianato). And not to mention that niche ingredients, due to their scarcity, cost more. In Naples somewhere you can still find a "basic" pizza for 5 euros, but you have to resign yourself to eating it at a plastic table in the middle of traffic or standing. And hope that the digestion is successful. 

Margherita Cocciuta

Yellow tomato cream, mozzarella fior di latte, Parmigiano Reggiano yellow datterino tomato confit, puree of striped tomato, fresh basil reduction, extra virgin olive oil, fresh basil.


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