Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Caramelized figs 

In my kitchen today we talk about caramelized figs, how to prepare and store them for the winter. Two ingredients are enough to bring a delicious recipe to the table to end an elegant meal in the best possible way. Now that figs are in season, take advantage of them. How to best enjoy the flavor of figs, preserving it for the colder months? Cooking a delicious dessert like caramelized figs. You can prepare them as a preserve, or you can eat them immediately. The choice is yours.

How to make caramelized fig preserve

First, clean 1 kg of ripe green figs with kitchen paper. Important: Do not wash them under running water or they will be damaged. Remove the stem and place an almond inside each fig. Use a potato peeler to peel the zest of an untreated lemon and orange and cut into strips. Place the figs in a baking tray that is suitable for both the stove and the oven and cover them with 100 g of sugar and zest. Cover and let everything soak for 24 hours. The next day, put the pan with the figs on the flame and bring the liquid to a boil for about a minute. Finish cooking by placing them in a preheated oven at 180°C for 10 minutes, until the liquid begins to caramelize. Let the figs cool and then fill some previously sterilized glass jars. Add a few pieces of cinnamon and close the jars tightly before sterilizing them again by boiling them in water, over medium heat, for about 50-55 minutes. Caramelized figs can be stored for up to 3 months.

Caramelized figs: the fastest recipe

Wash and dry ripe but firm green or black figs. Cut them into four wedges, but without cutting them all the way and sprinkle them with brown sugar. Place the figs in a baking dish or baking dish and let them caramelize under the grill for a few minutes. Once ready and still hot, you can serve them in many ways.

Some ideas for pairing caramelized figs.

Caramelized figs with ice cream
When the caramelized figs are still warm, it is the right time to bring them to the table with a good fiordilatte or cream ice cream, if you love classic combinations. Figs also pair very well with dark chocolate ice cream, but it should be slightly bitter and very thick, and with some fruit flavors such as coconut and banana. If you love frozen yogurt, try it with caramelized figs and granola.

Fig tarte tatin
With the caramelized figs just out of the oven and still in the pan you can also prepare a cake similar to the tarte tatin, which is generally made with apples, but with figs it could be a delicious alternative. Just take them out of the oven and cover them with puff pastry and then bake everything again in a static oven at 180° for 25-30 minutes. Tarte tatin is good lukewarm, served with whipped cream or a sprinkling of powdered sugar.

Caramelized figs and cheeses
Do you want to dare an unusual, but surprising combination with caramelized figs? We suggest a good cheese with a strong taste such as gorgonzola, aged pecorino, feta or salted ricotta. You can serve figs as an accompaniment on a platter of mixed cheeses, or you can prepare a very special risotto with cheeses and enrich it with a sweet and caramelized note, a savory pie or a gourmet pizza.

Caramelized figs and roast meat
Pork goes particularly well with figs and for this reason we suggest you try the pork loin in a pan with caramelized figs. If you have already loved the classic recipe of pork loin with prunes, you cannot fail to taste this equally sweet and tasty version. Just brown slices of pork loin with oil and chopped shallots and then deglaze everything with fortified wine such as Port. Once the alcohol has evaporated, add the figs and lower the heat until cooked. Season with salt and pepper and serve with mashed potatoes or leafy greens blanched and sautéed in a pan with butter.

Caramelized figs for breakfast

Caramelized figs are perfect for breakfast with low-fat yogurt and granola.

Cakes with caramelized figs

Fig tarte tatin or upside-down cake? The choice is yours.


1 kg figs (firm and possibly untreated)
500 g sugar
1 lemon (untreated, zest only)

How to prepare and store caramelized figs

My advice is not to make too many: it is a delicate preparation that risks going bad anyway. If we really have a lot of figs to store, we could also make jam. This remains a very personal opinion: just my point of view.
First phase: in the evening We look for a saucepan of the right size where the figs can stand very close together, in order to support each other. Then cover with sugar, which should be half the weight of the fruit. Add the lemon zest, cover with the lid and let it rest overnight.

Second phase: cooking, the next morning
In the morning we say goodbye to our figs with sugar, put a flame spreader under the pot and turn on the fire. We choose a stove that is not too small and low heat, so that the heat can spread evenly. Then let it cook with the lid on until the figs are soft and shiny and everything simmers slowly. It will take about an hour.

Third and last step: caramelize the figs and put them in hot jars

After this time we can remove the lid and let the sauce consume, favoring the formation of caramel. Be careful that it does not burn and does not become dark and bitter, and be careful that the figs do not crumble. Never move them during cooking but always check them closely. The figs will be ready to be potted when the sauce is blond and fluid; Then they should be gently collected with a spoon, placed in jars with the caramel (always standing, if possible, low jars with a wide mouth are better). Then we close the lid, turn it upside down and cover with a woolen cloth, waiting for the vacuum.

Useful tips and tricks
If we are not sure about the vacuum, we can do a second sterilization. In a pot with the classic tea towel between one jar and another, or in the oven by putting the jars in a pan full of water for three quarters: 100°C for an hour and then cool slowly with the oven.

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