Thursday, November 23, 2023

Lobster tortellini 

In this recipe I have made the famous lobster tortellini "Gourmet". A successful experiment that I would like to share. We often have doubts about how to season them. Of course, the classic "butter and sage" choice is fine with everything, but... What if you wanted to create something non-trivial, a refined combination and a unique taste? This version of mine could very well satisfy this need and be to your liking! Here's how I structured the dish. Below, ingredients and preparation.


250 g lobster tortellini 
coarse salt to taste
1 garlic
40 ml white wine
4 tbsp fish stock
2 tbsp soy sauce
salt to taste
pepper to taste
parsley to taste


This recipe consists of several steps and in order not to stretch it too much on a descriptive level I have isolated in extra articles the preparation of some ingredients added later to the final composition of the dish.

Put a pan with extra virgin olive oil and a clove of garlic on the stove. Wait for the garlic to start sautéing, then, once the temperature of the pan has risen, add the white wine and let it evaporate. Let the alcohol evaporate slightly, turn off the heat and set aside. At this point of the preparation, separately, let's also start preparing our Beurre Blanc, a fundamental element for the recipe, to be ready at the time of plating and not too early to avoid serving it cold. Once we have finished preparing the Beurre Blanc, we take our pan with the prawns and add our four tablespoons of fish stock. This will give a boost of taste. Let the white wine cook and reduce it with the stock for a few more minutes. Add a little soy sauce to the sauce and let them reduce. As soon as the desired consistency is reached, turn off the heat and set aside. Now that we have everything ready, it's time to think about the protagonists, that is, the lobster tortellini. We took them ready-made, as they are very famous and good. You can get any brand or if you feel like try to make them at home. 

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