Friday, July 14, 2023

Red Wine or White Wine? The best for diet

Main differences and characteristics between red wine and white wine. Which is the healthiest?

Wine has always been a noble food that everyone respects both in the white and red variant: we are faced with the result of years and years of tradition that unites many cultures in the world. Every people, in fact, has been able to exploit the fermented grape juice in its own way. In Italy, as in very few other countries in the world, this has become a centuries-old art that has given birth over time to world-class creations recognized and over time have become the subject of certifications and protections.

How is wine obtained? The fermentation of white and red

To obtain the famous nectar, the grapes undergo a process in which they are crushed and placed in vats for a specific period of time, with the aim of triggering the much sought after fermentation of the grapes. All wine production is based on this process because with fermentation, the sugars contained in the crushed grapes are transformed into alcohol. The goal, as often happens, can be achieved by following a natural process or through substances that trigger and complete fermentation, such as the various fermentation yeasts. In the next phase, the grapes are pressed with the aim of eliminating the skins together with all the parts of the grapes that are not used for wine production, such as all the sediments formed during fermentation. Here red and white wine differ. The white wine, in fact, undergoes the press before fermentation while the red one passes through the press after fermentation. While remembering that alcohol is not one of the most advisable elements within a balanced diet, it is also recalled that wine has very interesting beneficial effects within a correct food program, if taken in reduced doses.

White wine and red wine: the main differences

The color of the grape is the main feature that catches anyone's eye when asked to differentiate the two products. The fermentation process behind a wine, on the other hand, is not always taken into due consideration. Along with the fermentation process, there are other elements that in the final result will characterize the wine, not only in color. Treating mainly white wine, it can be said that before fermentation, all waste elements such as skins, stems and seeds are removed. For red wine, on the other hand, the grapes go directly to fermentation after being crushed, thus being able to ferment together with the skin, stems and seeds. Here, in fact, the goal is to obtain a more intense and alive pigment in the wine. This results in a product rich in nutrients and a structured body. While red wine can only be made from black grapes, white wine can be made from white grapes or red grapes. An example is the famous Pinot Noir at the base of the production of  French Champagne. Thanks to the process of maceration combined with its waste elements, red wine has within it many plant compounds transferred from the skins to the wine such as resveratrol.

Red or white? Nutritional values

Although they are often united from almost all points of view, white wine and red wine are very different for the beneficial effects they offer respectively in each diet. So which is the healthiest? First of all, it is good to clarify that experts and nutritionists have always sided in favor of wine. The beneficial effects offered by this extraordinary drink have always been mentioned, largely referring to the circulatory system. Red wine has in many respects common values contained in magnesium, vitamin B6, phosphorus or the components of calcium, vitamin K and zinc. The comparison in carbohydrates and sugars contained in both varieties might be surprising, but it offers a result on par with a slight difference in height in favor of white for calories on 150 ml. Leaving aside the technical data, there are many studies that highlight antioxidant properties in both wines. White wine offers a powerful antioxidant action thanks to hydroxytyrosol, while red wine through picetannol, the polyphenol famous for its properties.

Can wine weigh down your diet?

It is therefore legitimate to ask whether the constant intake of wine can negatively affect one's food plan. Wine does not make you fat, this is the first concept that needs to be clarified. Scientific studies have shown that constant wine intake acts on the metabolism by accelerating the rate at which the body metabolizes food and nutrients. Resveratrol is the aforementioned polyphenol responsible for this action. In addition to acting on metabolism, this polyphenol affects the aging process of the whole body, slowing it down. The best combinations do not affect the goodness of a good glass of wine: many studies have revealed how it acts on cholesterol and triglyceride levels by normalizing basal blood sugar. For these reasons, including wine, both white and red, within a weight loss program or in a maintenance food plan is an excellent choice for your health. Doses make all the difference. The scientific community proposes not to exceed 3 glasses per day for men and 2 glasses for women. In the elderly it is advisable not to exceed by going beyond the glass a day.

To conclude, we can say that to affect the benefits of any food is the quality of the raw material. The choice of wine will make the difference both in terms of health and experience: discover wines produced in the lands of Montalcino since 1943.

The oldest Italian wine in the world is Sicilian and 6,000 years old. In a cave located near Agrigento a group of archaeologists has unearthed a jar for wine that dates back to the Copper Age. The discovery was made by an international team of scholars, coordinated by archaeologist Davide Tanasi of the University of South Florida. The research also involved the University of Catania, the National Research Council (CNR) and the technicians of the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage of Agrigento. The extraordinary discovery was announced on the pages of the journal "Microchemical Journal" and leads scholars to reconsider all the hypotheses made so far on this issue. Apparently, in fact, the production of wine in our country would not have begun during the Bronze Age, as had always been assumed, but 2 thousand years before. The confirmation comes from the analysis of the chemical residues collected on the jar, dating back to the fourth millennium before Christ. The vase was located in a deep cave in Mount Kronio, where for millennia it has kept the ancient secret. After the discovery, the artifact was subjected to some analyzes that allowed the discovery to be made. In fact, terracotta has managed to preserve traces of tartaric acid and sodium salt, substances usually contained in grape berries and produced during the winemaking process. To make the study even more extraordinary is the fact that experts have rarely been able to extract the exact composition of the substances from the finds, since often the pottery found is not intact. In the meantime, the research does not stop here and scholars have already announced that they will carry out new in-depth analyzes on the jar found near Agrigento. After the initial success, the new goal is very ambitious: to find out if the wine was white or red. Considering the good conditions in which the jar was found, it is possible that they will also succeed in this enterprise.

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