Saturday, June 10, 2023

Meat pizzaiola 

The pizzaiola is a typical Neapolitan quick sauce, it is the weekday answer to Sunday sauce. Its smell is Mediterranean thanks to the mixture of oregano and garlic, penetrating, fills the house and comes out of the window invading the street. From a conceptual point of view, meat is only the support to the smell and not vice versa, the pleasure is above all olfactory, fresh and intense, then supported by the beautiful acidity in the palate. For this reason it is essential that garlic and oregano are of great quality. The oil must be in good balance with the pomodoro, neither little otherwise it is salty, nor too much otherwise it is oily. In any case, the oil performs its function only in the mouth, so it must be neutral, not fruity.

An exquisite second course typical of Italian cuisine, especially Neapolitan. These are slices of veal or beef, cooked in a pan in the "pizzaiola sauce" or tomato pulp, oil, garlic, oregano and salt that makes them very tender to the bite and super appetizing to lick your mustache! in 12 minutes! Like any traditional recipe there are different versions and many variations with the addition of other ingredients! What I give you today is the original basic version of the Carne alla pizzaiola, enriched with tricks and step-by-step tips; that today I consider the perfect recipe both in terms of tasty taste, both meltable and non-dry consistency; but also ease of execution! The secrets to an excellent result are first of all quality ingredients: thin and particularly soft slices and a full-bodied and consistent tomato pulp. Second point is the fast cooking of meat! Prolonged cooking tends to make it hard and stringy! So watch out for this step! Follow all the directions and you will bring to the table the best and softest pizzaiola slices ever! 


250 gr of high quality tomato pulp
2 thin slices of veal or beef of 100 gr each
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic
dried oregano


First of all prepare the sauce, placing the peeled garlic clove and a drizzle of oil in a large pan, heat for 1 minute over high heat, add the pulp, a handful of oregano. Then cook with lid for 7 – 8 minutes, you will have to get a full-bodied, tasty and non-liquid sauce! After the indicated time, lift the lid, taste and add salt if necessary. Finally in the boiling sauce, add the slices. Cook for 1 minute on each side, completely covering with sauce adding a handful of oregano. For me they are perfect so little cooking! You evaluate by thickness whether you still need half a minute per part! Beware that if you cook more than 3 minutes they will start to lose softness! If you want the meat well cooked, you can extend the cooking of a few seconds. Here is ready your meat pizzaiola!

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