Sunday, May 28, 2023

Partridge on grape croutons 

The partridge is a galliform bird, about the size of a pigeon. It belongs to the family of phasianids, the same as quails and pheasants. As game meat, the red partridge is the most used. Its meat, red and tasty, is very appreciated and adapts to all types of cooking, roasted, on the spit or stuffed in the oven. Clearly, younger partridges have much more tender meat and much shorter cooking times.

 Partridges have a caloric content of about 250 kcal per 100 grams of food. The energy intake is mainly provided by proteins and fats, while the presence of carbohydrates is really minimal. It is a meat rich in fiber, with a good protein content and essential amino acids. From a vitamin point of view we can find the B vitamins, especially B3 and B6. Among the mineral salts there are high concentrations of iron.

Partridge provides a meat with a high nutritional value, especially with regard to protein intake. It is a very digestible type of meat: the high fiber content also contributes to the general health of the digestive system and promotes intestinal regularity, as well as increasing the sense of satiety. A moderate intake of partridge meat can also have benefits on our nervous and immune systems. This type of food has no particular contraindications: it adapts to any type of diet and can also be consumed by those suffering from hypercholesterolemia because the cholesterol content is modest. However, it is necessary to have the foresight, if the consumption of this game takes place at home, to clean the hunted animal well, following all the good hygiene practices.

The partridges on grape croutons are prepared by salting and peppering the partridges that I will cover with bacon to lay them in a casserole with butter and sage and bake in the oven for about twenty minutes. Here are the steps for partridges on grape croutons.


Partridges ready for cooking 3 
Bacon 6 slices 
Bread 6 slices 
White grapes 500 g 
Butter 40 g 
White wine 1 dl 
Meat broth 1⁄2 l 
Peanut oil to taste 
Sage 1 sprig 
Salt to taste 
Pepper to taste


Add salt and pepper the partridges, cover with the slices of bacon, place them in a saucepan with butter and sage and bake in the oven at 200 ° C for 20 minutes. Wash the grapes in cold water, heat them in a saucepan and keep them warm. In a pan heat the oil and fry the slices of bread for 4 minutes, then drain them and pass them on a sheet of absorbent paper. Remove the cooked partridges from the saucepan and set aside the bacon. Cut the partridges in half, arrange them on the croutons, line them up on a serving plate and keep them warm. Drain the cooking stock from the saucepan, place it on the heat and pour the wine, stirring with a wooden spoon. Let it evaporate completely, then add the broth and cook for 15 minutes. Cover the partridges with the slices of bacon, garnish with the grapes and finally serve with the sauce on the side.

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