Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Fried artichokes in batter 

The fried artichokes in batter are a very tasty and tasty side dish, which can also be served as an appetizer. Whether you prepare them as an appetizer or as a side dish, fried artichokes in batter are always irresistible. An easy recipe that ensures a tasty fried, dry and crunchy but soft to the heart, in short, the perfect whim for every occasion!

The original Sicilian recipe provides that the batter is prepared with water, flour and yeast and that the artichokes are not blanched before; it is the thin cut and frying in deep oil that allow the artichokes to cook! The result is slightly crispy artichokes inside with a soft and enveloping batter that covers them. Let's see the recipe to prepare them and some useful tips for a perfect result.


6 artichokes
juice of 1 lemon
400 gr flour
10 gr fresh brewer's yeast (1 teaspoon and a half dry yeast)
1 pinch sugar
450 ml water
half a teaspoon salt
olive oil for frying 


Prepare the batter. In a bowl pour the flour and add the yeast and a pinch of sugar. Measure the water and pour a little bit into the center. Let the yeast soak for a few minutes. Begin to add the water flush and mix with a whisk until you get a thick batter that falls into a ribbon. Add salt. Knead it until it becomes smooth (without lumps). If you use the mixer, use the rubberized hook. Cover and let rise for a couple of hours, until all the bubbles on the surface form. Clean the artichokes and put them in water acidulated with lemon juice so as not to blacken them. Cut them into thin slices. The Sicilian recipe provides that they are sliced whole. Put the artichokes back in the acidulated water. At the time of frying, drain the artichokes and put them on a cloth to dry them. Prepare a pan with oil and heat it to 180°C. Dip the artichokes in the batter, remove the excess and place them in hot oil. Frying takes 3-4 minutes. When the artichokes are golden on both sides, drain them on absorbent paper and add a little salt. Let them rest a couple of minutes before serving so that the artichokes inside soften. Your fried artichokes in batter are ready and you just have to serve them hot!

It is advisable to consume fried artichokes in batter immediately after preparation. If they are leftover, you can store them in the refrigerator for 1 day inside an airtight container. It is good to know, however, that once heated your fried artichokes in batter will lose their crunchiness and tend to soften. Heated in the oven or microwave, however, they remain an excellent dish to bring to the table. The advice, however, is to always serve them very hot after preparing them.

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