Sunday, April 30, 2023

Why is mozzarella the best cheese for pizza?

The Luigi XIII, is the most expensive pizza in Italy. Read more at the  bottom.

Since the creation of the Margherita pizza, mozzarella has been used as cheese to season the pizza, but is this ingredient really the best for the realization of this dish? The University of Auckland in New Zealand tried to answer this question with a scientific study that compared different cheeses, including mozzarella, Gruyere, Cheddar and provolone.

Evaluation parameters
To decide which cheese was best for seasoning pizza, scientists evaluated: Gilding paying particular attention to uniformity and color shades. Aspects related to humidity: analyzing the activity of the water contained within each cheese. Behavior according to temperature changes in the oven: analyzing the formation of blisters and bubbles with special cameras and software. Deformation and viscosity. Oil formation. Each cheese was cut into slices with a diameter of 23 cm and a height of 1 cm each. Once the cooking was completed, for each parameter, through mathematical formulas, a vote was assigned so that it was finally possible to decree a winner.

Why mozzarella was the best
Mozzarella is produced by repeatedly pulling and shaping the fresh curd, this makes the finished product very elastic. Thanks to this particular elasticity and the balance of water, fats and proteins, during baking, the water evaporates in the mozzarella, forming bubbles that allow the oil to slide to the surface and brown the cheese, also creating a sort of crust, which gives the right taste and consistency to the pizza.

The behavior of other cheeses
The other cheeses, finally, did not prove to be as performing, although they can be used as an additional topping of pizza. In fact, cheeses such as cheddar proved to be too inelastic, which prevented a good formation of bubbles and therefore a good browning. While, in cheeses such as Gruyere and Provolone they have a too high oil content, which prevents a proper evaporation of water. Now that you know why you should use mozzarella as cheese to season your pizzas, also find out how to choose the best mozzarella for pizza. 

The Luigi XIII, is the most expensive pizza in Italy, created by chef Renato Viola, from Agropoli (Sa). Agropoli is a town and town located in the Cilento area of the province of Salerno, Campania, Italy. It is situated at the start of the Cilentan Coast, on the Tyrrhenian Sea. The pizza costs 8,300 euros and is served directly at home by the master pizza maker himself, together with a sommelier and a chef, on collectible crockery.

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