Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Meat Roll with Boiled Eggs 

The Meat Roll with Boiled Eggs is a large roll, made with a slice of pork, which I stuffed with boiled eggs, rolled up and cooked in a simple chopped sauté. What I propose today is one of the classics of Campania cuisine, a second course on Sunday as well as pork rinds rolls with tomato sauce. The meat roll with boiled eggs is a very tasty dish, and really simple to make, it only needs a long and slow cooking, which inevitably starts from the inebriating scent of fried onion.

Compared to when I was a child, not even too much time has passed (yes, agreed, a little 😉) but the transformations, over the years, are many and evident. However, thanks to this type of recipe, and the memories they trigger, we would like to go back to being children, maybe there was not much well-being but we were happy with little... Unfortunately, we cannot. So let's try to keep alive some culinary tradition, like this mega meat roll with boiled eggs, proposing it to the new generations, who will certainly appreciate them too. Then I wait for you in the kitchen, to make together our meat roll with boiled eggs.


slices of beef 6 of about 125 g each (750 g)
stale bread crumbs 
170 g medium eggs 7 
grated pecorino cheese 80 g 
100 g parsley 15 g
garlic 1 clove
salt to taste
pepper to taste

For the sauce
tomato puree 800 g 
red onion 100 g 
extra virgin olive oil 60 g 
white wine 100 g
salt to taste


Boil 6 eggs, cool and peel. Remove the fatty parts from the beef slices (if they are thick, beat them to a thickness of 3 mm). Mix the crumbled crumbs, chopped garlic and parsley, an egg, pecorino cheese, salt and pepper. Spread the beef slices, lay 60 g of mixture in the center. Spread the slices of soppressata (15 g) and those of pecorino cheese (20 g) on top; Finally, the boiled egg in the center. Fold 1 cm inwards the two longest sides and roll it up starting from one of the shorter sides, tightening well. Tie the chop. Heat 3-4 tablespoons of oil and sauté the chopped onion. In a pan brown the chops with the remaining oil. Add the dried onion, wine and tomato puree. Salt, pepper and cook for 2 hours with the lid on. Salt, turn off and serve the chops!

Use the crumb of a homemade bread: only in this way you will get closer to the flavors that my dad used to make.

The slightly spicy salami, typical Calabrian. My advice? You can also decide to chop both soppressata and pecorino instead of using them in slices. This will be an equally tasty alternative!

To prevent the eggs from being overcooked, give the first cooking so that the yolk remains very soft: in this way then with cooking inside the meat, they will not take on that unpleasant greenish color due to sulfur.


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