Wednesday, February 22, 2023


Simplicity. This is – simplicity – the particular character that really distinguishes Italian cuisine from that of any other country. And look, it's not a way of saying: it's just a fact recognized by everyone, cooks and commentators. Few other gastronomic cultures are based as much as the Italian one on the sober enhancement of a few ingredients at a time. The recipe of peppers and eggs that I propose is a striking example of this reality.

A dish that in the traditional version is really essential: only peppers and scrambled eggs with the addition of a few tomatoes. No spices (pepper is a relatively recent addition), no aromas, nothing at all. But what goodness the flavor of lightly fried peppers with good extra virgin olive oil, a few tomatoes and scrambled eggs in everything! There are more recipes of peppers and scrambled eggs. In particular, in addition to mine, typical of Puglia, there are very similar traditional ones of Basilicata and Abruzzo and Molise. Dishes that I mention with pleasure to see how dishes based on only two ingredients can have numerous versions that are very different from each other. For example, the recipe of Abruzzo (Pipindune and ova) is similar to the Apulian one, but with the relevant difference that there are no tomatoes. In addition, for some time it has been used to add a minimum of sautéed (garlic or onion, according to taste) and a final sprinkling of parsley. Overall, therefore, the flavors are really very different.

The recipe of Basilicata also differs for the lack of tomato. It also provides green peppers, which have a somewhat different flavor from the classic colored sweet peppers. The series of Lucanian recipes based on eggs and peppers bran is quite another thing. The latter, in fact, follow a long processing process (they are dried and then quickly fried) so as to make them crispy (brans). But for the final result, and also for the flavor, they can not be assimilated to fresh peppers.

The Apulian recipe is excellent as well, in the simple traditional way. However, if you want to enrich it, simply add an aroma. Starting from chopped parsley, whose final addition (out of cooking) is now almost a custom. But there is also a scent of basil or dried oregano, to be cooked, just before adding the eggs. It is also common to add a little fennel and cheese (preferably aromatic pecorino) mixed with eggs. 

Fennel and health
 For this reason it has positive effects on the colon and cardiovascular system, going to lower blood cholesterol levels. This vegetable is also rich in different minerals, such as potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure levels, or like calcium and phosphorus, which help strengthen bone tissue and, consequently, prevent diseases such as osteoporosis. The contribution of iron is also good, thus representing a valid aid in counteracting anemic states. Fennel is also rich in magnesium, an essential mineral for the proper functioning of all the systems of our body and useful in case of exhaustion and muscle fatigue. Among the vitamins contained in this vegetable, we find mainly vitamin C, which promotes the increase of immune defenses, as well as being involved in the synthesis of collagen, and vitamin A, essential for vision and bones. Fennel, fat-free, can also boast a good amount of polyphenols such as quercetin, apigenin, rutin (a flavonoid compound) and kaempferol which, together with vitamin C, exert an anti-inflammatory and protective action, neutralizing free radicals. A compound present in it, called anethole, gives the vegetable anticancer properties, acting through the suppression of the NF-KB factor, at the base of inflammatory processes typical of cancer . Also worth mentioning is the content of rosemary acid, which plays a protective role in liver function since, by stimulating the enzymes responsible for the purification process, it helps liver cells to eliminate toxic substances. Fennel has also been attributed galactogenic properties, i.e. stimulating milk production in new mothers. Eggs in purgatory with peppers are a variant of the classic eggs in purgatory very fragrant and tasty. Here is the recipe.


600 g yellow and red sweet peppers
300 g ripe tomatoes
4 eggs
Pepper (optional)
Extra virgin olive oil

Wash and clean the peppers, removing the seeds and the white filaments inside, then cut them into strips or minute squares. Heat 5 tablespoons of oil in a large pan, pour the peppers and fry for 4 minutes, stirring them over high heat. Wash, peel and cut the tomatoes into small pieces, then add them to the peppers together with a pinch of salt. Stir, reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes gently and with the lid on. Season with salt. Also after 10 minutes check the liquids in the pan: if necessary complete the cooking without lid, so as to narrow the cooking liquid, which at the end must be moist and fluid, but not liquid. Meanwhile, break the eggs in a bowl, add a pinch of salt and scent with a generous puree of freshly ground pepper. Scramble them summarily and turn them over the vegetables, stirring for the 2 minutes necessary to firm (but not dry) the egg whites. Peppers and scrambled eggs should be served hot.

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