Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Steak au poivre soup

On this recipe there is a veil of mystery, in fact there are several legends related to its origin: the most accredited locates the birth of chili con steak in the deserts of Texas. The main ingredients are, of course, meat, beans and lots of chili. Tradition has it that it is served as an accompaniment sauce to rice or tacos. Personally I prefer it in soup version!

The preparation of chili with steak reminds me a lot of that of our Bolognese sauce with the addition, however, of different elements that clearly define its flavor. The choice of the main ingredients is fundamental for the success of this dish: for the meat I opted for minced veal, while for the beans I chose the red ones already steamed (easier to find than black beans). Spices are fundamental for success: chili, cumin and coriander which, however, I always advise you to dose according to personal taste. In making this recipe I inserted the spicy part using a chili sauce, which is spicy but with a sweetish aftertaste that makes the difference. If you do not have it, I advise you to add a teaspoon of brown sugar in the first phase of preparation or when the vegetables are stewed.

Let's find out all the ingredients and the preparation steps.


500 g ground veal
black (or red) beans precooked 
2 Tablespoons Tomato paste
500 ml tomato puree
300 ml broth better if meat
1 onion
1 coast celery
1 carrot
1 red pepper
fresh chili
coriander or parsley, depending on the liking
salt and pepper
extra virgin olive oil


We cut the vegetables into not too small pieces. We put celery, carrot and onion in a pot - large enough for our soup - with a bottom of oil. We light the fire leaving the flame very low and cover. When the vegetables begin to wilt we add the pepper. Cook for a few minutes over low heat. And we add spices: chili and cumin. At this point we add the minced meat, raising the heat a little to brown it. Add the tomato paste and let the base of our soup flavor well. Add tomato puree and broth, lower the heat and cook for at least 45/50 minutes, leaving the lid a little open. Combine the beans that, being precooked, will not need much time in cooking. Let it cook another 10 min. Add salt, pepper and chili. Serve with toast and coriander – or parsley – freshly chopped.


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