Monday, December 19, 2022

Linguine with king prawns and scampi

I go from very spartan dishes at the limit of decency to dishes a little more elaborate. Today was the day of a dish a little more !!!! I would say they were exquisite but I would be biased, try them and let me know. I started looking for possible combinations to be made with prawns; I must say that I found some interesting ones that I'm going to try, today I want to propose the linguine with king prawns and scampi. 

What I saw on the net was a recipe for a second course that I wanted to modify to create a delicious sauce to season pasta.


Brandy 1 small glass
Salt to taste
Parsley to taste
Fresh cream 200 ml
Tomato puree 200 ml
Shallots small 1
Linguine 400 g
Scampi 200 g
Prawns 200 g
Pepper to taste


Wash the scampi and prawns under running water and deprive them of both eyes and mustaches and all short legs at the bottom. Cut the tail, then cut vertically both under the belly and on the back remove the carapace sideways by incising it near the neck to detach it from the head (of the prawns of some I left the head) finally extract from the top the intestinal thread. In a pan heat plenty of oil and fry the chopped shallot; When the latter is golden, add the crustaceans and brown them, stirring for a few minutes. After about 4-5 minutes blend them with brandy and flambé (flame). As soon as the flame has gone out, add the tomato puree and parsley. Cook the sauce for another 5-6 minutes. Bring salted water to a boil in a pot, pour the pasta and cook it. A couple of minutes before draining the pasta, add the cream to the scampi sauce. Finally, drain the pasta slightly al dente and add it to the scampi sauce in a pan, stir to flavor everything well before serving.


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