Monday, December 19, 2022

Fried mozzarella

I want to share with you today a whim .. fried mozzarella !! With fried you should not exaggerate much I often avoid and instead of frying I prefer to bake in the oven, but here I could not, in the end sometimes it does not hurt. Oh yes. I tell you a real pleasure! I had seen a video on the web some time ago and a few days ago I remembered, so I decided to try and I must say that it succeeded just fine... Fried mozzarella is a delicious appetizer, which everyone likes, young and old. Fried mozzarella is easier to make than you might think. The important thing is to drain the freshly cut mozzarella and create a double breading that protects the mozzarella from the high heat of the oil. Fry it at the right time, if you prolong cooking excessively, the mozzarella, after spinning, begins to melt making the dish unpresentable. Very good!! I do not let you imagine I leave you immediately to the recipe so you will get to work. 

Ingredients for (4 people)

500 g mozzarella
30 ml milk
2 eggs
60 g flour
1 l frying oil
60 g breadcrumbs
Salt to taste


Start the preparation by cutting the mozzarella into chunks. There are no ideal measures, we only recommend making sure that they can be enjoyed in a single bite, especially if you plan a finger food event or a dinner. After cutting the mozzarella, put it in a colander. It is an important step because it is good that you lose as much fluid as possible. Let it drain for ten minutes. At the end you can also dry it gently with absorbent kitchen paper. Meanwhile, prepare the breading. Pour the flour, lightly beaten eggs with a pinch of salt and breadcrumbs into three separate bowls. Breaded on each side the individual morsels passing them first in flour, then in egg, and finally in breadcrumbs. To form a consistent breading, so as to avoid the leakage of mozzarella during cooking, pass the bites again in the egg, and again in the breadcrumbs. Put the ready morsels on a plate. Pour the frying oil into a pan and bring it to temperature. Cook the mozzarella, first on one side and then brown on the other. Drain the mozzarella on absorbent paper and serve while still hot. At this point everyone can enjoy their own stuffed fried mozzarella!


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