Friday, September 8, 2023

Scagliozzi of Polenta

Scagliozzi of polenta also called scagliuzz , sgagliozzi or sgagliozze an appetizer prepared with polenta that you can find in the fryers in Naples, Foggia, Bari, Messina and also in some areas of Tuscany and Lazio. You can prepare the trench or round scagliozzi or even square or rectangular. Originally it was prepared with the leftover polenta of the day before that was dried in order to eliminate as much as possible the wet part, and then fried in hot oil. To date, polenta is prepared directly for scagliozzi and you can use both the classic and instant polenta. The scagliozzi are very similar to the POLENTA CHIPS but are left thicker. You can also bake them but then they will no longer be scagliozzi even if delicious. 

In Naples you can eat anywhere and at any time. In the streets of the center and not the street food shops swarm and, especially in recent years, sprout like mushrooms. Wallet pizza, crocchè, Parisian, zeppole, omelettes and .... polenta scalyzozzi. If you come to spend a weekend in my beautiful city know that you will not come home hungry but get ready to come back with a few extra pounds. I personally love this kind of frugal snack. I like to walk through the alleys and decide to stop and eat one of these delicacies. With polenta I have a special relationship .. I love it. Since I was a child I remember that my grandparents, from Lazio, often prepared it and served it as a first course seasoned with lamb sauce. It was a party when my grandfather prepared it... Perhaps because, not being a very typical preparation in my area, it was like a great novelty or perhaps because it was always nice to get together together. As a teenager I discovered scagliozzi, fried polenta, and since then it has been pure love. The baked polenta Scagliozzi are a delicious and rustic snack that is prepared in different Italian regions of the Center-South.


Instant polenta or Polenta Stick Corn flour
Breadcrumbs and/or corn flour 
Seed Oil for frying


If you have a ready-made loaf of polenta, cut it first into 1 cm thick slices and then into triangles (the classic shape in addition to the rectangle), pass them in a mixture of equal parts of corn flour and / or breadcrumbs and cook them by immersion in boiling seed oil (172 ° C). If you have opted for instant polenta, follow the instructions on the package. Once cooked, place a sheet of parchment paper on a work surface. Transfer the polenta, still hot, on the parchment paper and form a rectangle one cm high with the help of a spatula. Let the polenta cool completely before cutting it into triangles and frying it as indicated above.


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