Saturday, September 2, 2023

Beetle mushroom

When we think of mushrooms, we generally associate their presence with autumn and a wet and rainy season. But there are varieties of mushrooms that vice versa are born, and can be found, in spring, and, together with the swallows, announce their arrival. One of them is the Calocybe Gambosa, a mushroom that is popularly called in many other ways as well. For example, it is called St. George's mushroom, because tradition has it that it appears on April 23, when there is precisely the anniversary of this saint. It is called blackthorn, because it uses to be born in the middle of thorny bushes, or beetle, to remember the fact that it can be found in the undergrowth until the month of May. The Beetle mushroom is much appreciated by connoisseurs, and is often associated, for delicacy, with the porcini mushroom.

The Beetle mushroom is therefore found in the period from March-April to May, but obviously these dates can change depending on the altitude at which the search is carried out. Usually the specimens of this species grow in groups, arranging themselves in a circle, which in the past was thought to be the circles of witches. They are found in the middle, or near, hawthorn, rosehip or blackthorn bushes. The Beetle is recognized by the color, which oscillates between white and yellow, and the smell, which makes you think of flour, as well as the taste of its meat. The hat is more curved when the Beetle is young, and tends to flatten at the edges as it ages. The stem is firm and massive, and reaches even eight centimeters in height, while the hat can reach a diameter of 10 centimeters. The name gambosa alludes to the fact that the stem often has a reddish tint.

The Beetle mushroom is very valuable, and is also a species protected by precise regulations, because a collection method that is not very attentive to the protection of the habitat has greatly decreased its population. In some Italian regions, for example in the Marche, it is expressly forbidden to use the rake to sift the undergrowth, because in this way the spores that allow the reproduction of fungi are killed. When you find a beetle mushroom, you must gently collect it using the appropriate knife. Unless you are very experienced, it is always good to ask for confirmation of its identity at a specialized center, because it could be confused with other species harmful to health, perhaps even lethal. For example, the Beetle closely resembles the Inocybe patouillardi, which is poisonous.

The Beetle is a delicious mushroom, much sought after for its good taste. In the sixteenth century it was even considered a food suitable only for the tables of the nobles, and peasants and farmers were forbidden to consume it, if they found it. Today festivals are also dedicated to it, and many recipes are known to enhance the aroma. The Beetle can be eaten raw, in salads, and this type of consumption is good for health because it helps lower blood sugar levels. The salad is prepared with slices of colonnata lard, salt, pepper, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar. Alternatively, it can be used to make a sauce with which to season tagliatelle, to be accompanied with a glass of white wine. The Beetle in fact has the virtue of enhancing the flavor of a good wine.

Each type of mushroom has unique characteristics and requires specific cooking and different methods of preservation. The Beetle, not to be confused with the homonymous insect and with the legendary Volkswagen car, is one of the most sought after mushrooms by mycology enthusiasts. It is an edible species and suitable for the preparation of second courses, salads and sauces. This mushroom also has beneficial properties, such as lowering blood sugar and preventing disorders such as diabetes. Of course, to consume it, you must first recognize it and then collect it. The advice we give to all those who want to become "mushroom hunters" is not to venture into the woods if you are not absolutely sure of what you are looking for. With mushrooms, in fact, prudence is never too much, because many species are very similar to each other and you easily run the risk of running into poisonous mushrooms perhaps mistaken for edible. The fact remains that the Beetle is a really good and tasty mushroom to eat, with a very pleasant taste.

The meat of the Beetle is compact, white, soft, slightly spongy in the part of the stem, with a taste and smell of flour, very sweet and light. The smell is felt only if you proceed to rub it. The taste of the Beetle is pleasant and lends itself to many preparations. The mushroom, properly cut and washed, can also be eaten raw. Its raw meat has the property of lowering blood sugar. Being edible and very tasty, the Beetle can also be prepared with sauce. Just slice the mushroom, wash it and add it to a pot with tomato sauce, olive oil, salt, pepper, bacon, boiled milk and a little garlic and onion. After cooking, the sauce can be enjoyed together with a plate of tagliatelle. Very popular is also the beetle salad, which is prepared with raw mushroom. The same is cut into slices, washed, cleaned preferably with a brush and seasoned with slices of lard. After bringing it to the table, season it with salt, pepper and lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. The Beetle salad can also be accompanied by a nice glass of wine. The meat of the Beetle also has the property of enhancing the taste of the chosen wine. Generally, with the mushroom salad you drink white wine, a bit like with fish.

For lettuce baskets with hummus, mushrooms and peppers


Romaine lettuce leaves
Chickpea hummus
Mushrooms and peppers in a pan

This is a recipe that is prepared in 10 minutes, the time to prepare hummus if you have chickpeas already cooked. In addition to the latter you will need oil, sesame seeds, curry, lemon juice and a little water. After preparing the hummus, wash the romaine lettuce leaves well and dry them. Spread a tablespoon of hummus, add another of mushrooms and peppers, and your baskets will be ready! 


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