Friday, May 5, 2023

Veal cutlet Milanese 

How to prepare the Milanese cutlet according to the original recipe: ingredients and steps to taste one of the symbolic dishes of Lombard cuisine. Often too little known and praised, Lombard cuisine is instead rich in characteristic flavors that will be able to conquer even the most demanding palate. The Milanese cutlet is a true classic in terms of second courses and appeals to adults but especially to children. Here is the recipe and some useful tips for its preparation. It is a very simple preparation that involves the meat being passed in egg and then in breadcrumbs and then fried in butter. The result is a truly delicious second course that will appeal to everyone. Let's see, then, how to prepare perfect Milanese cutlets.

The origin of this dish belongs to Lombard cuisine but there is a real academic dispute about it between those who believe that the real Milanese cutlet has origins in Lombardy and those who believe that this dish is a version of Wiener Schnitzel, an Austrian dish.

Veal chops 2, about 3 cm high
Flour 1 tablespoon
Eggs 2
Bread 200 g, grated
Butter 300 g, clarified


To prepare the authentic Milanese cutlet, a traditional recipe of Lombard cuisine, start with the meat: it is important that it is not beaten but only any side bones are removed. Beat the eggs in a holster, salt them and coarsely grate the dry bread. Pass each side first in the flour, then in the egg and finally in the breadcrumbs.
Press the meat well into the breading, taking care to make it adhere completely. Place butter in a tight pan and check the temperature: when it is at 169 °C add the cutlets and brown them well on both sides. Drain on absorbent paper and add a little salt: the Milanese cutlet, prepared according to the original recipe, is ready to be enjoyed.

The Milanese cutlets should preferably be eaten hot immediately after preparing it so that you can appreciate the browning and crunchiness of the breading and the softness instead of the meat. If you wish, however, it can also be stored in the refrigerator for a day at most if closed inside an airtight container or if covered with transparent film so as not to dry the external surface going too much in contact with the air. When you go to serve it you will have to pass it in the oven or microwave for a few minutes drizzle with a little oil or add a few flakes of butter on the surface, perhaps cooking grilled, to try to restore the original crunchiness of when you prepared it. However, it is good to know that to better appreciate it should be consumed as soon as it is made and when it is still hot. In this way it will leave everyone speechless.

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