Friday, May 5, 2023

Tagliatelle with butter and parmesan

I grew up on a traditional Italian diet of pasta eaten at the beginning of every lunch (primo piatto). For the Sunday lunch my mother would make fresh pasta all’uovo (egg pasta), usually fettuccine, rigorously by hand. In truth, my mother’s pasta is excellent and a bowl of her fettuccine with freshly-made tomato and meat sauce is a pleasure to savor. I don't make this dish very often, but having tasted it again a few days ago, I think I will do it often. It is a plate that with its creaminess takes you to other places. Do you want to know the recipe? Read!


Egg tagliatelle 140 g
Butter (approx.) 70 g
Parmigiano Reggiano to taste
Pepper to taste
Coarse salt to taste


Take a pot and start boiling water and then cook the noodles. Add salt with coarse salt. Meanwhile, take a pan and melt the butter. Once the fattuccine are cooked, drain and pour them back into the pot, add the melted butter, parmesan cheese and pepper. Turn on over low heat and stir for a few seconds. Put the parmesan back and it's ready!


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