Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Prickly pears 

Are a cactus with jointed stems and oval flattened segments, having barbed bristles and large pear-shaped prickly fruits. Prickly pears between properties and benefits. That's why it's good to eat "li ficurini scuzzulati" also called "bastarduna". The prickly pears (called in dialect "ficurini scuzzulati" or "bastarduna"), are typical products of the territory of Calatafimi Segesta on which they grow and mature thanks to its particular microclimate and the particular care of the wise farmers of the place. Much appreciated for their unique flavor and their unmistakable consistency, prickly pears have countless beneficial properties (no contraindications, if, as in all things, they are not abused!!) and lend themselves to the most disparate uses, as shown by the following descriptions extracted from authoritative sources. Enjoy your meal!!! Properties of prickly pears The properties of prickly pears are really many.

These fruits are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C and minerals including potassium and magnesium. They also contain many fibers that help intestinal peristalsis by counteracting the problem of constipation. Those who regularly consume these fruits, when they are in season, notice in fact in a short time a clear improvement in their intestinal functions. Always thanks to the presence of fiber, prickly pears increase the sense of satiety, they are also useful for assimilating less fat and sugar keeping blood sugar and overweight at bay.

That's why they are often recommended as a snack for those on a diet and want to lose extra pounds. But the advantages of eating prickly pears do not end here: these fruits promote diuresis, reducing the risk of kidney stones and in some cases even favoring the elimination of those already present; They are very rich in antioxidants, substances useful to our body to fight free radicals and cellular aging. Uses of prickly pears Of prickly pears are used both the real fruits and the shovels, equally good and rich in properties.

With the products of this plant you can for example prepare juices, jams, ice cream, granitas, syrups, pancakes, risottos and much more. Also excellent is the gel extracted from the blades to be used not only for internal use but also to be applied on the skin as if it were a real natural cosmetic seen healing and disinfectant. Prickly pear extracts are also used to enrich creams and shampoos as they seem to contribute to greater hair growth.


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