Wednesday, May 17, 2023

‘Nduja crusted cod with lemon garlic spaghetti 

Are you looking for a different pasta sauce than usual? Are you undecided between a meat sauce or a fish sauce? Why not use both together? I offer you a really interesting first course, in practice it is a garlic oil and chili enriched with cod, creamed with chopped pistachio, which helps to give a crunchy note. It is not a dish difficult or to elaborate as long as you follow some steps. Let's see how to prepare it... Codfish all'Nduja, I was invited, this spring, with friends for an evening of spicy and Mediterranean dishes, the first recipe I studied is this. It is a fillet of cod, stuffed with emulsified Nduja, served on on a side of lemon spaghetti, triangles of bread and the skin of cod. A recipe born by pure chance with what I had in the fridge and with little time available. Ready in minutes but is able to offer more than it seems. But now let's go to the kitchen and show you how to prepare the spaghetti with cod and nduja.

Since man learned to preserve salted fish, in times when refrigerators were far to come, cod has been the protagonist of popular cuisine, also because its consumption allowed to respect the precepts of Lent and the many days of lean. "Global" has always been widespread in all countries, from Italy, as in the tasty sauce for this Lucanian pasta, to Mexico, where it is among the typical dishes of posadas, the holiday that anticipates Christmas.


400 g peeled tomatoes
350 g spaghetti
350 g soaked and desalted cod
4 cruschi peppers
3 Shallots
1 egg
small capers in salt
re-milled durum wheat semolina
extra virgin olive oil
white wine


For the recipe of spaghetti with cod sauce, finely slice the shallots and let them braise gently in a pan with a veil of oil; Then blend with 1/2 glass of wine, then add the coarsely chopped peeled tomatoes and cook the sauce over low heat for 30 minutes. Cut the cod into small slices of 4-5 cm. Pass them in beaten egg, then in durum wheat semolina and fry them in plenty of oil. Add the cod and capers to the sauce and cook for another 30 minutes. Boil the spaghetti in salted water. Drain them al dente, with the appropriate ladle, directly into the sauce pot and finish cooking them, wetting, if necessary, with a drop of cooking water. Fry the cruschi peppers for 30 seconds in plenty of hot oil. Drain, crumble on the pasta and serve.

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