Friday, May 12, 2023

Meat rolls and boiled eggs: the recipe prepared with a tasty filling 

The meat rolls, boiled eggs and prosciutto are a rich and tasty second course, which you can prepare for an important dinner. Very simple and quick to prepare, they can also be served warm on a fresh seasonal salad or on a delicious and crunchy frisella, in this way it becomes a nutritious and delicious single dish. The brociolone is a bundle of meat to be stuffed to taste and served almost cold and cut into slices. The secret of the brociolone is to let it cool after cooking to make it compact and homogeneous. To explain what the brociolone is, just explain that it is a matter of wrapping beef, until it becomes a casket to be filled with a filling. Its unmistakable flavor has made it a classic, ambassador of food.


GARLIC 1 clove
OREGANO to taste


Boil the eggs. Place a pan with cold water on the fire and dip the eggs in it. To get the hard-boiled eggs at the right point, cook about 8/9 minutes from the boil. When the eggs are cooked, remove them from the heat and pass them under fresh water so as to cool them quickly. Take the slices of meat and try to beat them with the bottom of a glass in order to make them even thinner. Lightly flour each slice of meat on both sides and spread them on a tray. Cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters and peel a clove of garlic. Put both in a pan with a little oil to cook for about 10 minutes. When the cherry tomatoes have flake and created the sauce, start preparing the rolls. Place a slice of prosciutto on each slice of meat. Cut the egg into 4 wedges, now at room temperature, and roll it into a slice of meat. Seal with wooden toothpicks and place the rolls in the pan with the cherry tomatoes. Deglaze with white wine and let the alcohol evaporate. Cook for 7/8 minutes, taking care to turn the meat halfway through cooking. Season the rolls with meat and boiled eggs with plenty of oregano.

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