Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Linguine allo scoglio

The Italian tradition of seafood cuisine boasts numerous important recipes such as spaghetti with clams or sauté of mussels and clams up to regional delicacies, such as brodetto fanese or fregola with clams, to name a few. But in many restaurants you will have read or tasted spaghetti allo scoglio. Why not try to make them at home then? In one dish are concentrated all the scents of the Mediterranean, also perfect to celebrate with family: linguine are like risotto in a pan to absorb the flavor of the fish and be even more appetizing! There are countless versions of this delicacy, I offer you mine, with clams and mussels together with the delicious meat of the scampi! But feel free to add or replace the ingredients with lupins, razor clams, cuttlefish, octopus and enjoy linguine with seafood always different, but above all more and more good!

Linguine allo scoglio is a classic first course of fish famous throughout Italy and abroad. It is obviously pasta (because spaghetti is also used for example) accompanied by a tasty sauce with seafood, made with mussels, clams, prawns or scampi, squid or octopus. It is often enriched with cherry tomatoes and is slightly spicy. Today we prepare it together and it will be a delight you will see.

Once upon a time there was a hungry and lost David who wanted to eat something good to turn his day around and above all to feed himself. He found a place in a hidden place, rather tacky, which was not given much value and who knows what dishes he would have to come across. Well, in that place he ate the best linguine of his life.

I already know that someone may think: oh well, with the experience that a Trentino can have in eating fish he will be satisfied with little. Guys when something is good period. That pasta spoke, full-bodied, enveloping, well tied, perfectly tasty and with a balance between the sweetness of the tomato and the flavor of the fish almost moving. He seems to be describing a work of art, probably because I classified it as such.

Well, big challenge. I wanted to try to make a good pasta like that, and after various researches, photographic investigations (because I had also taken photos and videos to remind me of it) it came out like that. I am pleasantly upset because before I get to the result I have in mind it takes me a long time. This time at the first shot: tomorrow it snows. That cream that I noticed when I had tasted it I also recognized in the dish made, as well as I recognized the balance, the softness of the fish. Bomb: too happy.

Linguine allo scoglio are usually prepared with mussels and clams (inevitable), scampi and squid. But I remember that in that pasta there were no traces of scampi but their place had been occupied by beautiful and tasty prawns. Maybe a few slices of squid but especially octopus, and I obviously chose these qualities of fish. In any case, if for example you do not find the octopus, replace them with the same amount of squid. Same thing for the scampi: if you prefer them choose them instead of shrimps, and they too will have to be treated in the same way then bisque etc...

Speaking of bisque, do you know that you are practically obliged to do it? It is a sort of very tasty broth that serves to give the true shrimp flavor to dishes and even spaghetti with seafood have no exception. Many I know that they do not do it but only out of laziness or because they do not know the secret. It makes the difference you will see and probably this is also an element that makes this rock so special. The important thing is to buy prawns with the head because it is in the head that all the flavor of the shrimp is concentrated. The tail is good, but especially for its fleshiness but the flavor is much more delicate.


Linguine 320 g
Mussels 1 Kg
Clams 1 Kg
Squid 300 g
Scampi 8
Cherry tomatoes 300 g
Extra virgin olive oil 4 Tablespoons
Garlic 1 segment
Parsley 1 tuft
White wine 40 g
Salt to taste
Black pepper to taste


To prepare linguine with seafood, start by cleaning mussels and clams. The latter you will have to rinse them several times under running water and then soak them in cold water. Clean the mussels: scrape away the most resistant impurities with the blade of a small knife, tear away the byssus, that is the bearded part that comes out, then help yourself with a new steel scourer clean the shell well. Before cooking, beat the clams one by one on a cutting board or in the sink with the cut of the shell facing down: if you notice sand it will be discarded. Heat the oil in a rather large pan and when it is hot pour the clams and mussels cover immediately with a lid and wait until they are completely opened, it will take 3-4 minutes. Once the mussels and clams are opened, remove the lid, pour into a container, do not throw away the cooking liquid but filter it to remove any impurities and sand residues. Keep it aside in warm. Shell both the clams and mussels keeping aside some shellfish to garnish the dish. If you do not use them already clean, you can dedicate yourself to cleaning the squid: you will have to remove the head and entrails, then remove the skin and engrave only the superficial part, you can help yourself by entering with the blade inside it, until it opens it completely then cut it into strips. Move on to the scampi: with scissors cut on the sides of the tail thus eliminating the armor that covers the abdomen. Then with a toothpick try to eliminate the intestine, the black fillet present in the scampi. This way it will not release a bitter taste. Remove only the armor and keep the head and claws. Finally wash the cherry tomatoes and cut them into wedges. Boil the water for the pasta, to be salted to a boil. Meanwhile, brown a clove of garlic with oil, when it is golden, pour the squid together with a pinch of salt. Cook 5 minutes then blend with white wine. Let the alcohol evaporate, remove the garlic and add the cherry tomatoes. Cook another 5 minutes. At this point you can start cooking the spaghetti which will be drained a lot al dente. Add the scampi to the sauce, salted and peppered. Drain the spaghetti directly into the pan, when there are 5 minutes to the end of cooking. Continue cooking by pouring the cooking water of mussels and clams that you have kept aside as needed. Finally, add the mussels and clams. With shell and without. At the end of cooking, turn off the heat, season with chopped parsley and stir one last time. Serve the linguine with seafood hot.


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