Friday, May 5, 2023

Chicken stuffed with mushrooms 👌 

The chicken stuffed with mushrooms is prepared by boiling it over moderate heat for about a couple of hours and then cut it into slices and place it on plates with sautéed mushrooms lying on the mushroom cream. Here are all the steps of the recipe. The chicken breast stuffed with mushrooms is an excellent second course of white meat to be baked, rich in taste and very, very fragrant. The aromas and flavors of mushrooms blend wonderfully with the rest of the tasty stuffing based on cooked ham! And it is the ideal recipe to celebrate a festive occasion or for Sunday lunch, easy and ready without effort and even in a short time.

The chicken breast stuffed with mushrooms in light version is a delicious and dietetic recipe that you can serve for lunch or dinner, it is a refined and tasty dish but with little fat and very few carbohydrates. To prepare this recipe you have to buy whole chicken breasts so you can make a pocket, for the filling instead you can use both fresh mushrooms and dried or frozen ones.


chicken breast 700 g
porcini mushrooms 200 g
Cooked ham 70 g
White wine 1 glass
Garlic 2 cloves
Extra virgin olive oil 3 tablespoons


Let's start by cleaning the mushrooms – to speed up everything you can do like me, that is, buy a nice mushrooms equal to 200g in weight – reducing them to small pieces and then cooking them in a pan for a maximum of a quarter of an hour, with a clove of garlic a tablespoon of oil and a little white wine, adjusting with a pinch of salt. In the meantime, cut the cooked ham into small pieces and set it aside. Open the chicken breast like a bag or pocket, only on one side. Introduce in the chicken first part of the ham then the mushrooms and finally finish with the ham. Close the opening with toothpicks. Place the stuffed chicken breast in a baking dish that can also go in the oven and brown for a few minutes with oil the remaining clove of garlic and the glass of white wine. Then continue baking in the oven at 180 °C for about 40 minutes. Once cooked, place it in individual plates sliced and re-sprinkled with its cooking sauce. Enjoy your meal!

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