Thursday, April 27, 2023

Calzone with ricotta, salami and mozzarella 😊 

The baked calzone ricotta, mozzarella and salami is an alternative to the classic pizza, the filling of ricotta, mozzarella and salami inside is very greedy. Since I prepare pizza often, my children love the Pizza Margherita, this time I wanted to prepare baked calzones, a very delicious variant of pizza and I used a filling of ricotta, mozzarella and salami, a spicy salami typical of Calabria, as an alternative to the salami that I was missing. 

The result was exceptional, a calzone not at all greasy, with a stringy and delicious filling. For the filling of the calzones you can indulge yourself according to your tastes, preparing escarole calzones, with broccoli and sausages, with prosciutto, mushrooms, and to make your children happy with sausages and chips. How can you say no to this delight? So much ideal flavor at any time of the day! To have less guilt I prepared them in the oven!

Calzone with ricotta and baked with salami, a Neapolitan specialty, but not only, are prepared throughout Campania and many other parts of the south. The recipe of Calzone with ricotta and salami is very similar to the classic southern pizza! The peculiarity, however, lies in folding the pizza in two and obtaining a crescent, or a calzone! The classic filling is ricotta and salami... but you can stuff them as you like!


Prepare the pizza dough following the basic recipe. Take a dough obtained previously and spread it with your hands, never with a rolling pin, on a floured surface, until you get a circle. Put the pizza disc in a baking dish. Prepare the filling. Crush the ricotta with a fork, add the diced and drained mozzarella, a few slices of chopped salami and pepper. If you use the Calabrian spicy salami do not put the pepper. Stir to mix the ingredients. Fill one half of the disc with the previously prepared filling, leaving an edge of about 1 cm. to easily close the calzone. At this point close the calzone by putting the part of free dough on the stuffed one and seal the edge well with your fingers. You have thus obtained a crescent. Bake the calzone in the preheated oven at the highest temperature until it is cooked on the surface. Since the base of the calzone remains a little moist, turn the calzone and cook it for a few minutes. Remove from the oven the calzone ricotta and salami and let it cool. Serve and enjoy your meal.

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