Sunday, February 5, 2023

Rapini with fried egg and tomatoes 

Rapini are particularly rich in vitamin C, useful in winter to protect us from colds. They are also rich in vitamin A and folic acid. Rich side dish or vegetarian main course? I would not know how to classify this dish, but I know for sure that it is exquisite in its simplicity. Turnip greens beg me to buy them every time I see them, and it's not my intention to resist! I love them in savory pies, pasta, or simply sautéed with garlic and chili.

One day I was preparing them in the latter way and I realized that I had eggs expiring: from this experiment I made several times the recipe I'm about to illustrate, which apart from the "boredom" of cleaning and boiling turnip greens, it does it by itself. My advice is to leave the liquid yolk inside, so when you break it will spray the vegetables. If you do not like the liquid yolk just cook a little more!


A kilo rapini
4 medium eggs
10 tomatoes
Extra virgin olive oil 20 g
Bay leaf
Salt to taste


Wash the tomatoes, cut them into pieces then put them in a pan with a little oil. Cover with a lid and cook the tomatoes; At the end of cooking, add the basil into small pieces and season with salt. Clean the rapini, preserving in addition to the tops also the most tender leaves. Boil them in lightly salted water, remembering to add a bay leaf during cooking. After 10-15 minutes the turnip tops will already be cooked. Drain and keep a glass of cooking water. Transfer the turnip greens to a pan, pour half a glass of cooking water and season with extra virgin olive oil. Bring everything back to boil. At this point create 4 holes with a ladle and pour the eggs into them, add tomatoes. Close with the lid. Once you have cooked the eggs you want, turn off and serve.

Enjoy your meal! 


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