Sunday, February 5, 2023

Food Market in Sicily, Italy 🍒🍐

We are in a very particular period of the year, in which the concept of seasonality is literally "spread" along the Peninsula, offering very different, almost opposite, things at the same time. It is now that it becomes more evident that Italy sometimes has two or three seasons in one and it will be enough to go among the neighborhood stalls to realize it.

Meanwhile, it is a good time. The climate has improved everywhere and this brings large quantities of goods for sale. In general, today you will save between 20 and 30% on your usual expenditure of fruit and vegetables compared to three weeks ago. The "winter" vegetables – ribs, broccoli, fennel, cabbage... – there are all over Italy, grown in the open field in the Center-South and at prices ranging from the an euro to two and fifty per kilo. We are back in an optimal climatic condition and the end-winter for these vegetables is guaranteed except for random and sudden complications. Even citrus fruits have no problems in their natural alternation: clementines end and there are mandarins, the presence of blond oranges decreases and redheads make their way.

For the rest we are witnessing the particular phenomenon that concerns the generous and wonderful Sicily. In the southern part of the island and in other areas of the island an unheated greenhouse will be enough to collect already eggplants, peppers, tomatoes and zucchini. We have often spoken of "counter-season" for products not foreseen in recent months but imported from other continents and now, unless Sicily is considered a continent in itself, we can have all these national spring / summer products available at relatively good prices. Tomatoes are down 50%, peppers too. It will no longer be so "criminal" (at least from our point of view of local and seasonal supporters) to indulge in some national first fruits and we inform you that there are already Italian strawberries. In Marsala the "winter strawberries" are in full harvest and at the opposite end of Italy you will find them at prices between one and a half euros and two and a half euros at the classic 250 gram basket. Strawberries in February? In fact in Italy you can, in Sicily you can, in Marsala ... It's up to you whether to eat them now or wait for those in your region.

From Barcelona to Athens, from Palermo to London, the historic markets are an opportunity to taste delicacies but also to get to know the city. The most renowned Italian and European examples. Among the most innovative is the Market Hall in Rotterdam. With eleven thousand square meters of surface and eleven floors of height, it is more than a market. So, Sicily. In Palermo there are two addresses of worship, Ballarò is the traditional heart of the city, with the first fruits of the Sicilian countryside, the screams of the sellers, the cheerful confusion among the stalls. But it is the Vucciria today the center of the Palermo nightlife where you can taste at any time panelle, cazzilli, crocchè and stigghiole. You have to make your way through incredible chaos, but the prize is priceless: all the best of the most authentic street food.


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