Monday, December 19, 2022

Steaks on the grill

Hello carnivores, today we will see how to prepare a succulent grilled beef steak. The grilled meat is succulent and delicious! Among carnivores, those who do not like grilled meat can really be counted on the fingers of one hand: any food, once grilled, acquires that extra touch that makes it truly unique. 

Today we will teach you how to grill meat in the right way, through 6 fixed points that will not make you run into bad surprises, for a perfect barbecue! Beef is one of the meats that best holds up to cooking, so it can never be missing on your grill: for cutting, you can choose the one you prefer, remembering that the most tender part is always the fillet, possibly with the bone. There are different types of barbecues, but without a doubt the cooking method that most flavors the meat is the one that uses wood embers: in this way the wood becomes a real condiment together with the others, and gives the preparations an aroma difficult to obtain with other methods. 

The gas barbecue is certainly faster and more practical, but in our opinion, at least once in a while, it would be worth wasting some time and putting a little more effort into it, to enjoy a barbecue worthy of the name. The meat must be salted absolutely after, and never before cooking: sodium chloride dissolves the proteins, recalling the water inside them to the surface, and you would risk finding yourself with a boiled slice, more than grilled! If you have decided to marinate the meat beforehand, remember not to put salt in the emulsion you will prepare, or you will run the same risks. 

Once your dishes are ready, each diner can salt them to their liking, according to his tastes. There are no buts: the meat should be cooked on the hot grill! Heat the embers well, and once ready, make sure that the grill is also red-hot: only in this way you will be sure that the meat instantly forms that exquisite crust, the only one able to keep all the juices inside, keeping it soft throughout cooking.

There is no strict rule that establishes the cooking times of grilled meat, as it depends on several factors, including:

Heat of the embers
Grill heat
Distance of the latter from the embers
Type and thickness of meat

Considering a slice of beef, with an average thickness (about 2.5 cm):
For a very bloody cooking, it will be enough to cook it about 2 minutes per side. For a cooking to the blood about 3 minutes per side. For an average cooking about 4 minutes per side. If we want a well-cooked slice we will have to blanch it over high heat for about 3 minutes per side, and then cook it at a lower temperature for 7-10 minutes, to allow the heat to penetrate inside. 

The meat should be treated with extreme delicacy, never scrambled, turned only once, and should never be crushed or, even worse, pierced with forks and forks: in this way it would lose all the juices essential to keep it tender and tasty, becoming dry and not at all inviting. The only meat you are allowed to prick is sausage, if you prefer to "lighten" it a little from the fat inside it, but remember that it will still become a little drier.

I have had my say, but now it's up to you to try your hand at a nice barbecue and enjoy the fruit of your labors...


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