Monday, December 19, 2022

Pork shank glazed with brandy and orange

The right dish for .... a special occasion, but also not: Pork shank glazed with brandy and orange! It would seem a complicated dish to be allocated only to festive occasions and instead it is very simple to prepare and so tasty that you want to eat it on any day and without a particular reason, and then we enjoy a pork shank when we like and without too many ceremonies...


2 pork shanks
an orange
sprigs of fresh rosemary
a tablespoon of honey
half a glass of white wine
half a glass of brandy


Wash and dry the shins to remove the gelatin in which it is stored.
Place them in a baking dish with peppercorns and rosemary, salt them and sprinkle with wine. Bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, during which we grate the orange peel that we will add to honey and brandy and mix. After ten minutes wet with the brandy mixture and continue cooking for another half hour turning them and wetting them again with the base.  I serve hot and with its glaze.


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