Tuesday, November 22, 2022

 Tomatoes Supercostoluto fiorentino

The tomato Supercostoluto Fiorentino: the fruit has very large ribs and is crushed in the center with a weight of about 200gr, it is late and is excellent for salads but also ideal for grilling.

Tomatoes reach their maximum ripeness in summer. Today, with the use of greenhouses, production is year-round. The tomatoes of late summer are used, by many, to prepare the famous tomato sauce even if it is a custom less and less implemented.

The tomato can also be dried and preserved in oil. From the skins of tomatoes today a dye is obtained that is used inside the jars to prevent them from oxidizing.

Nutritional properties
In 100g of tomato we have 94 of water, 3.5 of carbohydrates, 2 of fiber and 18 cal., it also has 297 mg of potassium, 0.3 mg of iron, vitamin A for 610mg and vitamin C for 25mg.

To the heart as it decreases heart disease by 29% and if it is biological, it is a real natural drug. It also contains two phytocompounds with antioxidant action and anthocyanins in addition to lycopene. Being rich in water and potassium, it has a rehydrating and remineralizing action. Also excellent for its filling properties taking away hunger. It is also good for the skin as a regular intake of this vegetable leads to smooth skin and is an excellent product to protect the epidermis. The vitamin C contained is excellent for the immune system and the WHO recommends an almost daily intake. For your beauty, in addition to its ingestion, you can use it for dryness of the skin. Mix a ripe tomato with 30g of glycerin, massage your hands for four minutes and the results are amazing. Tomato slices are also used for mosquito bites and sunburn. 

The French also call them ''pomme d'amour'' while the English call them ''love apple'' and according to legend they are aphrodisiacs. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and therefore protective for our body, especially for neurodegenerative diseases related to aging processes and genetic damage due to diseases. It is excellent as a prevention of cancer especially those affecting the colon and prostate. It also has slimming properties because, by removing the appetite, they cause you to lose weight as well as stimulating the production of carnitine which is an amino acid that transforms lipids into energy. It prevents osteoporosis and keeps cholesterol such as oats and spinach under control. It brings benefits to the eye because they contain beta-carotene and lutein that protects them from degenerative diseases. 

Broccoli, pumpkins, eggplants and zucchini are recommended for eye protection. Containing fiber, it is excellent for digestion favoring the proper functioning of the intestine and it is recommended to use it for those suffering from constipation. If raw stimulates diuresis, it is better if salt is added, which promotes the purification of the body. Watermelons and melons and cucumbers also have diuretic functions.

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